The end of the Budget Period will coincide with the 30 day deadline described in Rule 5.3.D.(2) of these regulations.
An original WPCELF loan application package must be submitted to the Department. When forms are provided by the Department these forms must be used, and these forms may not be altered. The WPCELF loan application may request assistance only for costs that are allowable in accordance with Appendix A of these regulations and may include a construction contingency, as determined by the Department, in the project budget. The application must include in the Project Budget any administration fee charged to the loan recipient by the Department. A complete application must conform to these regulations, including all Appendices, and must include the following:
The loan recipient will be responsible for assuring that every appropriate procedure and incidental legal requirement is observed in awarding these contracts.
After review, the Department will determine whether a request for an increased loan amount is justified and eligible and whether funds are available. The Department may, if determined necessary and appropriate, transmit to the loan recipient an amended WPCELF loan offer, which includes in the project budget (a) as-bid (if applicable) and other executed construction contract amounts, (b) all other contract amounts, (c) a construction contingency as determined by the Department, and (d) any original administration fee. Upon receipt of an amended WPCELF loan offer, the loan recipient must execute and return the agreement to the Department within the timeframe established in the WPCELF loan offer letter. After execution of the original loan agreement, or if applicable the amended WPCELF loan agreement, the WPCELF loan amount will not amount must be paid by the loan recipient from sources other than WPCELF funds.
The Department is authorized to observe the construction of any project at any time for compliance with the terms of the loan agreement and to determine if the loan recipient is assuring that plans, specifications and contract documents are being followed. A representative may be stationed at the construction site by the Department. Such observation will not subject the Department to any action for damages or other liability. Such observation will not release the contractor from any obligation to perform the work in accordance with the requirements of the contract documents, nor the engineer from determining compliance with the requirements of the contract documents, nor the loan recipient from insuring compliance with the terms of the loan agreement.
The contractor, engineer, and the loan recipient must furnish the Department with every reasonable opportunity and means for observing whether the work as performed appears to be in accordance with the requirements of the loan agreement. The Department is authorized to observe and require submission of daily logs, record drawings, file notes, and any other documents prepared by any party in relation to the WPCELF funded project.
All change order submittals shall include sufficient documentation for the Department's eligibility/allowability and technical review, as determined by the Department.
If any change order is submitted to the Department that is not complete and fully executed by the loan recipient, and the contractor and the engineer when appropriate, the Department may return such change order without review. However, unilateral change orders executed by the loan recipient and the engineer when appropriate, and identified as such, that are issued in accordance with the contract documents may be submitted to the Department in order to obtain a WPCELF loan eligibility/allowability determination.
The loan recipient may submit a complete and fully executed change order which has been executed conditional upon a positive WPCELF loan eligibility/allowability determination by the Department.
If possible, the allowability determination of a change order should be secured from the Department before the work is started, particularly for change orders requesting time extensions as per Rule 5.3.C.(6)(c) below. This determination may also be secured after the work is started; however, the loan recipient must bear the cost if the work is determined to be ineligible or unallowable.
When the eligible cost of a project will be significantly reduced by a change order or change orders, the Department may issue an amendment to the loan agreement decreasing the loan amount, and the loan recipient must execute such amendment within the time frame established by the Department.
Construction and construction-related work which occurs after the date representing a 25% time extension to the original contract time are allowable only to the extent determined as such by the Department, pursuant to review of the justification for all time extension change orders.
Construction and construction-related work which occurs after the date representing a 25% time extension to the original contract time, and for which a time extension change order cannot be adequately justified by the loan recipient and determined allowable by the Department, is not allowable unless the Department determines that the loan recipient is implementing all legal remedies provided in the contract documents for failure to complete construction when required.
Upon execution of any contract between the loan recipient and any other party in regard to a WPCELF funded project, the Department does not assume any authorities, duties, responsibilities, or liabilities under such a contract.
The Department does not have any authority, duty, responsibility, or liability in contract claims identification, negotiation, resolution, or any other actions regarding contract claims under the contract(s) between the loan recipient and any other party.
No actions taken by the Department, either directly or indirectly, in regard to the WPCELF loan funded project constitute or establish any determinations, authority, duty, responsibility, or liability under the contract(s) between the loan recipient and any other party.
The loan recipient and the contracting party must resolve all claims and contract disputes by negotiation, arbitration, litigation, or other means as provided in the contract documents and state law, prior to submission of any change order or other documents to the Department, in order to obtain a WPCELF loan eligibility/allowability determination.
All change orders which include time extensions and/or documentation that the loan recipient is implementing all legal remedies provided in the contract documents for failure to complete construction when required must be submitted to the Department prior to the date of the Department's final construction observation; otherwise, construction and construction-related work which occurs after the current allowable contract completion date will be unallowable.
The final construction observation may be delayed by no more than 30 days after the current construction completion date, unless further delayed by the Department pursuant to review of the loan recipient's request and justification for such delay. Should the Department staff decide that the determination of construction completion and request for final construction observation are being unreasonably delayed, a final construction observation may be immediately performed by the Department.
above, the disputes procedures established in Appendix D of these regulations will be followed in order to resolve the dispute and establish the final allowable costs.
11 Miss. Code. R. 6-5.3