Eligible and allowable costs under SRF loan agreements will be as described in the EPA publication Handbook of Procedures, Chapter IX, with the following exceptions:
1. Federal procurement requirements do not apply. State law applies as further described in Appendix D of this regulation.
2. Reserve capacity within the design period (up to 20 years) is an eligible cost. Reserve capacity for interceptors, pumping stations, and force mains within a design period of up to 40 years is an eligible cost.
3. On wastewater collection projects which provide sewers to unsewered residences, public buildings and businesses, the service line between the public sewer and the point five (5) feet from the outside wall of residences and public buildings are eligible. Service lines for businesses are eligible between the public sewer and the property line of the business.
4. Construction work and construction related work which occurs by the date representing a 25% time extension to the original construction contract time is eligible. Construction work and construction related work which occurs after this date is eligible only to the extent approved by the Department staff pursuant to a review of the justification for all time extensions.
5. Costs for facilities planning and design are allowable up to the amount of the allowance determined by Appendix B, Table 1 of this regulation. Costs for construction phase services are allowable up to the amount of the allowance determined by Appendix B, Table 2 of this regulation, and as supported by invoices for costs incurred in accordance with the contracts for such services and to the extent such services are allocable to the SRF project.
6. On sewer system rehabilitation projects, the rehabilitation of service lines for residences and public buildings is eligible between the public sewer and the point five (5) feet from the outside wall of residences and public buildings. Such rehabilitation on service lines for businesses is eligible between the public sewer and the property line of the business.
7. Eligible costs include costs for the implementation of a non-point source management program established under Section 319 of the Act, and for development and implementation of an estuary conservation and management plan under Section 320 of the Act. Eligible and allowable costs will be determined in accordance with this Appendix.
8. Eligible costs include the costs of planning, design and construction of publicly owned and operated wastewater treatment and transportation facilities for the purpose of serving industrial users. Eligible and allowable costs will be determined in accordance with this Appendix.
9. Eligible costs include the costs of planning, design, and construction of treatment and transportation facilities for control of pollutant discharges from a separate or combined storm sewer system. Eligible and allowable costs will be determined in accordance with this Appendix.
10. Eligible costs will be determined without regard to any previous EPA grant or SRF loan funding provided for facilities to be replaced, upgraded, or rehabilitated, except as described in Rule 4.2.I(1)(g).
11. Eligible costs include any administration fee charged to the loan recipient by the Department, as established in the Intended Use Plan under which the project is funded.
Miss. Code. tit. 11, pt. 6, ch. 4, app 11-6-4-A