11 Miss. Code. R. 6-1.2.6

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 11-6-1.2.6 - Toxicity
A. General
(1) Purpose and Scope. The purpose of this rule is to set forth a realistic and cost effective procedure to screen, evaluate and reduce toxicity of wastewater discharges. Additionally, the procedures described herein are designed to ensure compliance with the Federal Act.
(2) Summary of Procedure. Mississippi uses a three-step approach to toxicity reduction. Step one involves a detailed review of the permit application and any historical bioassay data and the use of specific screening procedures. The purpose of this step is twofold. First of all, the Department identifies the universe of those facilities which have discharges which are potentially toxic in stream. The Department screening procedures evaluate a discharge's potential acute, chronic, and human health impact on the receiving stream. Secondly, the Department determines whether the data in an application have been submitted in strict adherence with EPA accepted analytical procedures with all of the appropriate parameters reported.

The second step involves the development of permit limits in accordance with accepted state and national water quality criteria for those facilities exhibiting potential toxicity. Permit limits may take the form of chemical specific and/or whole effluent toxicity based limits.

The third step in the process involves additional testing and actual toxicity reduction for those facilities which fail any whole effluent toxicity requirements included in their permits. Permits addressing whole effluent toxicity have specific language requiring the permittee to perform a Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE) upon non-compliance with the whole effluent toxicity limitations contained in the permit.

B. Applicability.
(1) Chemical Specific Application Data Requirements.
(a) These procedures apply to the review of industrial and municipal applications for NPDES permits and pretreatment permits for the permittees which follow:
(1) all primary industries (major and minor);
(2) all major facilities; and
(3) all industrial and municipal facilities for which the application review indicate parameters above accepted quantitation levels.
(b) Until such time as the Administrator of EPA promulgates, and the Commission prescribes, an NPDES application form for municipal facilities that addresses section 307(A) toxics, municipalities shall submit as part of their application the appropriate pages from EPA Form 3510-2C. Municipalities shall determine the toxic characteristics of their wastewater by analyzing for the toxic pollutants listed in Table III of Appendix D of 40 CFR 122 which is incorporated herein and adopted by reference. Metal analysis shall be for total recoverable metals. Additionally, municipalities shall analyze for total hardness (mg/l as CaCO3) and any Section 307(A) toxic listed in an industrial user's pretreatment permit for any industrial category identified in 40 CFR 403, Appendix C which is incorporated herein and adopted by reference. Municipalities shall submit two influent and two effluent samples collected each month during the six-month period immediately preceding the application submittal deadline date.
(2) Whole Effluent Toxicity Application Data Requirements.
(a) The Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) test requirements for an application for renewal of applicable NPDES permits are set forth in Rule 1.1.2.D.
(b) Permittees required to perform WET tests as part of their application under Rule 1.2.6.B.2.a shall conduct at least four WET tests in the year preceding filing of the application. These tests will include two samplings, one during the hot-dry season and one during the cold-wet season. If the receiving water salinity is less than 1,000 mg/l then freshwater testing organisms shall be used. If the Instream Waste Concentration (IWC) at low flow is less than one percent, the permittee shall perform 48-hour, static non-renewal, definitive (a control and five effluent concentrations) acute WET tests at 25°C using Ceriodaphnia dubia (invertebrate) that are less than 24 hours old and a 96-hour, static renewal (tests that exceed 48 hours in duration must be renewed), definitive acute WET test at 25°C using Pimephales promelas (vertebrate) that are less than 24 hours old. If the IWC at low flow is greater than or equal to one percent, the permittee shall perform chronic WET tests. These shall be definitive static renewal tests at 25°C using Ceriodaphnia dubia and Pimephales promelas. Acute tests shall be performed in accordance with Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents to Freshwater and Marine Organisms, Fourth Edition, (EPA-600/4-90/027), or most recent edition and chronic tests shall be performed in accordance with Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms, (EPA/600/489/001) or most recent edition. If the receiving water salinity is greater than or equal to 1,000 mg/l, then saltwater organisms shall be used. If the IWC at low flow is less than one percent, the permittee shall perform 48hour, static non-renewal, definitive acute WET tests at 25°C using Americamysis (invertebrate) that are 1-5 days old and a 96-hour, static renewal, definitive acute WET test at 25°C using Menidia beryllina. If the IWC at low flow is greater than or equal to one percent and the receiving water salinity is greater than or equal to 1,000 mg/l, the permittee shall perform short-term chronic WET tests at 25°C using Americamysis and Menidia beryllina. Acute tests shall be performed in accordance with Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents to Freshwater and Marine Organisms, Fourth Edition, (EPA-600/4-90/027), or most recent edition, and chronic tests shall be performed in accordance with Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Marine and Estuarine Organisms, (EPA/600/487/028), or most recent edition. All of the above mentioned manuals are incorporated herein and adopted by reference. MDEQ will allow a six- month grace period for implementation of tests procedures described in the most recent edition of the methods manuals. During this permit, MDEQ will accept test results derived using either procedure, provided the tests are conducted properly. The Permit Board may also require appropriate tests on a plant species, if it deems necessary to protect human health, welfare, or the environment.
(c) The Permit Board may require WET testing as a condition of a permit application, as a condition of an NPDES permit, or as a condition of a regulatory order. In the case of a permit modification, WET testing may be required after the implementation of the modification. In addition, a modified application may be required for evaluation of toxicity.
C. Application/Determination of Alternative Chemical Specific Limitations
(1) The Permit Board shall issue NPDES permits with limits based on total recoverable metals, when appropriate, as specified in 40 CFR 122.45, which is incorporated herein and adopted by reference.
(2) Alternative Chemical specific limitations for permits shall be calculated in accordance with the methods set forth below.
(a) The first method is the establishment of a site specific Biological Translator that relates the existing water quality standard to a specific permit limit using the water effects ratio (WER) procedure described in Interim Guidance on Determination and Use of Water Effects Ratios for Metals February 1994 EPA No. 823-B-94-001, Streamlined Water-Effect Ratio Procedure for Discharge of Copper March 2001 EPA No. 822-R-01-005 or the most recent edition.
(b) The second method, applicable to metals, is the development of a Chemical Translator using site specific data to determine the dissolved fraction of the permitted metals. The water quality criterion is then divided by the dissolved fraction to provide a value to be used in the WLA. Two methods are available to the permittee for calculating the dissolved fraction.
(1) The dissolved fraction may be calculated from site specific Total Suspended Solids (TSS) data and partitioning coefficients listed in the Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Wasteload Allocations. Book II: Streams and Rivers. Chapter 3 (EPA-440/4-84-022) which is referenced in the bibliography (Exhibit F to this Chapter).
(i) The Linear Partition Coefficient is calculated from Table 5-4 in the Technical Guidance Manual using the following formula:

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Where: Kp = Linear Partition Coefficient

Kpo = Regression Coefficient (from table)

TSS = Total Suspended Solids Concentration (site specific 15th percentile)

a = Exponent Constant (from table)

(ii) The Dissolved Fraction is then calculated as follows:

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Where: C/CT = Dissolved Fraction of metal

(2) Alternately, the permittee may determine the dissolved fraction directly by analyzing paired samples of site water for dissolved and total recoverable metals using EPA's "clean" analytical techniques and sampling procedures. This determination may be made in one of two ways.
(i) Collect four paired samples during the low flow period, defined as no greater than twice the 7Q10, analyze paired samples of site water for dissolved and total recoverable metals using EPA's "clean " analytical techniques and sampling procedures, take the arithmetic mean of the four analyses, and calculate the dissolved fraction based on the mean values for dissolved and total recoverable metals.
(ii) Collect 20 paired samples on randomly selected dates throughout the year, analyze as described in (2)(i) above, calculate the dissolved fraction for each sampling, and use the 95th percentile highest dissolved fraction.
(3) The permittee is responsible for providing all the site specific data needed for these calculations.
(c) The third method is to assume that there is no difference between the dissolved and total recoverable metals concentrations.
(3) If the permittee opts to utilize methods a. and b. listed above, the results from method a. will be applied since it is a more comprehensive procedure compared to the relatively simple calculation of the dissolved fraction.
(4) If the permittee does not opt to utilize methods a. or b., method c. shall be applied.
(5) The application of any translator derived limitation does not preclude the demonstration of toxicity requirements for other toxicants through the use of WET tests as specified in the permit.
D. Procedures for Chemical Specific Screening.
(1) Review data submitted with application (e.g. NPDES - 2C, 2D and 2E, Pretreatment - State No Discharge Application)

Identify every toxic parameter in the permit and/or application above quantitation levels 1 and set up a table for each outfall, listing for each parameter the following2:

(a) maximum concentration;
(b) maximum 30-day average;
(c) long term average; and
(d) number of samples.

The following calculation conventions shall be utilized when using data reported as non-detect or less than detection:

(1) Non-detect (ND) or less than at the appropriate quantitation levels - use zero.
(2) If all data in the permit application are below quantitation levels, the permittee should list the individual non-detect value with the highest detection level reported as the maximum and not calculate an average.

The Department will not consider an application complete if the concentrations required are reported as "N.D." (Not Detected) unless a

1Where application form data are reported as "less than" (<) compare the method detection limit (MDL) as defined in Appendix B of 40 CFR 136 which is incorporated herein and adopted by reference. MDLs will be utilized in determining the reasonable potential of a given pollutant to violate water quality criteria. If a pollutant is reported as "non-detectable" above the MDLs as defined in Appendix B of 40 CFR 136, the pollutant will be assumed to be present at that reported level of sensitivity.

2Note in some cases parameters limited by the permit may be below the minimum quantitation level. chemical by chemical listing of the quantitation levels used is provided with the application.

(2) Calculate/Determine Permit Limits.

Technology/federal guidelines based permit limits are calculated using current facility data and federal guidelines. If existing permit limits are more stringent and are being attained, use existing permit limits.

(3) Calculate Appropriate Flows

Appropriate 7Q10 and annual average flows will be calculated in accordance with the methods found in Techniques for Estimating 7-Day, 10-Year Low-Flow Characteristics for Ungaged Sites on Streams in Mississippi (USGS Report 91-4130), and Low-Flow and Flow-Duration Characteristics of Mississippi Streams (USGS Report 90-4087) or the most recent edition, respectively.

(4) Determine IWC for Chronic, Acute, and Human Health Conditions3

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Where: IWC = Instream Wastewater Concentration (where facility water supply is not receiving water.)

Qr4 = Receiving water flow at appropriate low flow

Qw = For non-domestic facilities - Maximum 30-day average wastewater flow, if available;

Domestic facilities - design flow; Hydrographic control release facilities - appropriate wastewater to stream flow ratio.

3 For calculation of all instream waste concentrations, and instream pollutant concentrations for chronic toxicity and human health screening, instantaneous complete mixing will be assumed unless addressed otherwise in the regulations. IWC is expressed in a percentage throughout these regulations. For acute screening in streams and rivers, complete mixing will be assumed if the IWC is greater than or equal to 10[CENT]. If the IWC is less than 10[CENT], the Permit Board may evaluate local acute toxic impacts and require application of mixing zones in accordance with the Mississippi Water Quality Standards.

For oceans, bays, estuaries, and lakes, a Mixing Zone evaluation will be completed to determine the appropriate dilution factors for calculating IWC at the edge of the (regulatory) mixing zone and at the edge of the smaller area of discharged-induced mixing zone (ADIM). In the absence of a site specific evaluation, dilution at the edge of the mixing zone will be assumed to be one part effluent to six parts receiving water body. Mixing zones and associated instream calculations shall be performed as described in EPA's "Technical Support Document for Water Quality-Based Toxics Control" (EPA/505/2-90-001) March 1991, which is referenced in the bibliography (Exhibit F to this chapter).

4 Where Qr = (7Q10 for Acute)

= (7Q10 for Chronic)

= (Mean annual flow for Human Health)

If 7Q10 = 0 then Qr = 7Q10 for conditions except for human health and then Qr equals mean annual flow if available.

(5) Develop acute, chronic, and human health tables listing parameters, Xw, Xwa, Xta, and appropriate criteria.

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Where: IWC = Instream Wastewater Concentration (where facility water supply is not receiving water)

Qw = maximum 30-day average wastewater flow, if available

Qr = receiving stream flow

Xr = receiving stream concentration

Xw = historical effluent data

Xwa = permit limits from previous permit or from effluent guidelines

Xta = the calculated instream concentration based on existing permit limits or the calculated limit based on current effluent guidelines

Xt = the calculated instream concentration based on historical effluent data from application

If IWC is < one percent, do not develop the chronic table.

If Qr = 0 then Xt = Xw * IWC/100

NOTE: To calculate Xta substitute Xwa for Xw Xwa = Permit Limit

Where: Number of samples is >12 & 7Q10 is >0 then;

TABLEXw5, 6QrXr7
Acute Maximum Concentration 7Q10 Instream Background Concentration
Chronic Long Term Average Concentration 7Q10 Instream Background Concentration
Human Health Long Term Average Concentration Mean Annual Instream Background Concentration

The appropriate criteria to use in each table are a s follows:

IWCAcuteChronicHuman Health
>1% Compare Xt and Xta to Acute Water Quality Criterion Value Compare Xt and Xta to Chronic Water Quality Criterion Value TSD
<1% Same as above Do Not Compare Same as above

5 from 2C application and/or other appropriate data sources

6 if number of samples is <12 then Xw = (appropriate concentration * 10). The permittee may request utilization of alternative methods for determining reasonable potential set forth in the Technical Support Document for Water Quality-Based Toxics Control (EPA/505/2-90-001) or its amendments (TSD), subject to prior Permit Board review and approval of the method's implementation.

7 if no instream background concentration exists Xr = 0

A parameter fails the screen when the appropriate instream concentration or effluent concentration (as per above) exceeds the appropriate criterion.

MDEQ will use the chronic and acute water quality criteria and/or values as described in State of Mississippi Water Quality Criteria for Intrastate, Interstate, and Coastal Waters. If the permittee's discharge evaluation is based on species not found in Mississippi, the permittee may submit an alternative criterion as per the State's Water Quality Standards. However, said criterion shall conform to EPA's accepted procedures / rationale and is subject to both State and EPA approval.

E. Toxicity Limits.

Chemical specific limits shall be placed in a permittee's permit if any of the parameters evaluated in the toxic screening procedure indicate the reasonable potential for violation of the appropriate criteria (Acute, Chronic, and Human Health). The only exception is when a permittee fails the criteria due only to the application of the variability factor, that is a number of samples less than 12. In the case of the preceding exception, the permittee shall be required to monitor those parameters at a frequency of at least once per month for twelve months with the toxicity screening procedures being reapplied and the permit modified accordingly. The limits for the subject parameters will not be established until the subject data is received.

Toxicity limitations may take two forms;

(1) chemical specific numerical limitations placed on the effluent, and/or
(2) whole effluent bioassays with whole effluent toxicity (WET) limits. Chemical numerical limits will be calculated by mass balance back to the effluent using the appropriate instream criteria. The Permit Board will consider the utilization of alternative approaches described in EPA's TSD for calculating WQBELs where sufficient supporting documentation is submitted by the applicant. Mixing zones may be utilized in certain circumstances as allowed in the "State of Mississippi Water Quality Criteria for Intrastate, Interstate, and Coastal Waters".

In the absence of WET testing data, WET monitoring will be required upon failure of the acute or chronic chemical specific criteria screening. Failure of WET testing will be a basis for permit WET limitations. Failure will be defined as follows: an acute test that results in an LC50 < 3 * IWC, or a chronic test that results in an IC25 < IWC. The IC25 refers to the Inhibition Concentration 25, which shall be defined as a point estimate of the effluent concentration that would cause a 25[CENT] reduction in a non-lethal biological measurement of the test organisms, such as reproduction or growth.

The establishment of a WET limit versus WET monitoring shall be in accordance with 40 CFR 122.44(d), which is incorporated herein and adopted by reference. If chronic toxicity is indicated, the permit shall limit toxicity by requiring the IC25 of the effluent to equal or exceed the IWC. When acute toxicity is indicated, the toxicity limit will take the following form:

Effluent 48-hour LC50 > 3 * IWC (not to exceed 100[CENT])



Screening Resu ts

Permit Requirements







































































CSSA = Chemical Specific Screening Acute

CSSC = Chemical Specific Screening Chronic

WET = Whole Effluent Toxicity Data

CSL = Chemical Specific Limits= WQS/(IWC/100)

WETL = Whole Effluent Toxicity Limits W/Monitoring

WETM = Whole Effluent Toxicity Monitoring Only

YesA = Yes/Acute WET Limit = LC50 = 3 * IWC

YesC = Yes/Chronic WET Limit = IC25 = IWC

N/A = Not Applicable

YAM = Yes, Acute WET Monitoring Only

YCM = Yes, Chronic Monitoring Only

Pass = Acute: LC50 3 * IWC

= Chronic: IC25 IWC

Fail = Acute: LC50 < 3 * IWC

= Chronic IC25 < IWC

Human health shall be evaluated in accordance with "USEPA, Technical Support Document". When a parameter violates the human health criteria either for "water and organisms" or "organisms only", as appropriate, numerical limitations shall be placed in the permit.

F. Screening Storm Water Discharges
(1) General

8Where application form data are reported as "less than" (<) compare the method detection limit (MDL) as defined in Appendix B of 40 CFR 136 which is incorporated herein and adopted by reference. MDLs will be utilized in determining the reasonable potential of a given pollutant to violate water quality criteria. If a pollutant is reported as "non-detectable" above the MDLs as defined in Appendix B of 40 CFR 136, the pollutant will be assumed to be present at that reported level of sensitivity.

(a) Purpose and Scope. The purpose of this rule is to set forth procedures used to determine individual storm water permit limits for toxics and conventional parameters. Only storm water associated with industrial activity is considered. Process wastewaters are addressed elsewhere in these regulations. The ultimate goal of setting individual storm water permit limits is to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff in order to protect receiving stream water quality.
(b) Methods of Limits Determination. Due to high variability of storm water volume, only concentration limits will be determined by one or a combination of the procedures which follow:
(1) Effluent Limitations Guidelines (ELG);
(2) Water Quality Standards (WQS); and
(3) Best Professional Judgment (BPJ).
(c) Wet Weather Flow for Streams with Gaging Stations. For streams with a gaging station, the 7Q2 will be used. The value of the 7Q2 is readily available in the USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 90-4087, Low-Flow and Flow-Duration Characteristics of Mississippi Streams, 1991.


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SWA = Site Watershed Area

GWA = Gage Watershed Area

(d) Wet Weather Flow for Other Streams and Industrial Sites.

For both small watersheds without gaging data and industrial sites, the stream flow and site runoff will be estimated using the Rational Equation, assuming the average storm event intensity over the entire area. The Rational Equation is:

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Q = the flow in cfs,

C = the runoff coefficient,

I = the rainfall intensity in inches/hour, and

A = area in acres.

The conversion factor to cfs is slightly less than 1.01 and is generally ignored. Attached to Rule 1.1.2 collectively as Exhibit "C" and incorporated herein by reference is a table of runoff coefficients and a map showing average storm event intensity over Mississippi. The area is estimated using GIS software applications.


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For large watersheds without an applicable gaging station, Best Professional Judgment (BPJ) will be used.

(2) Stormwater Limits Determination
(a) Effluent Limitations Guidelines (ELG)
(1) The Code of Federal Regulation (CFR), Title 40, provides effluent limitations guidelines that address storm water discharges for the following facilities: Cement Manufacturing ( 40 CFR Part 411 ); Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) ( 40 CFR Part 412); Fertilizer Manufacturing ( 40 CFR Part 418); Petroleum Refining ( 40 CFR Part 419); Iron and Steel Manufacturing ( 40 CFR Part 420); Phosphate Manufacturing ( 40 CFR Part 422); Steam Electric ( 40 CFR Part 423); Bleached Papergrade Kraft and Soda Subcategory of the Pulp, Paper and Paperboard ( 40 CFR Part 430) Meat and Poultry Products ( 40 CFR Part 432); Coal Mining ( 40 CFR Part 434); Oil and Gas ( 40 CFR Part 435); Mineral Mining and Processing ( 40 CFR Part 436); Centralized Waste Treatment Point Source ( 40 CFR Part 437); Metal Products and Machinery ( 40 CFR Part 438); Pharmaceutical Manufacturing ( 40 CFR Part 439); Ore Mining and Dressing ( 40 CFR Part 440); Transportation Equipment Cleaning ( 40 CFR Part 442); Asphalt Emission ( 40 CFR Part 443);.and Concentrated Aquatic Animal Production ( 40 CFR Part 451). All of the foregoing CFR parts are incorporated herein and adopted by reference.
(2) When limits are given in the CFR, they are generally concentration values in mg/l. These concentration values will be used for the permit limits if protective of human health, welfare, or the environment.
(3) When concentration limits are not given in the CFR, Water Quality Standards and/or best professional judgment will be used to determine the facility's discharge limits.
(b) Water Quality Standards (WQS).

In determining limits for an Individual Storm Water Permit, a distinction is made between conventional pollutants and priority toxic pollutants (i.e., metals, organic chemicals, etc.). For oxygen demanding pollutants the Storm Water Section, after making preliminary determinations for wet weather flows, will request a wasteload allocation determination from the Surface Water Division to establish limits for oxygen demanding pollutants. For toxics, including metals and organic chemicals, MDEQ will calculate limits at wet weather flows in two steps as follows:

(1) Determine stream and facility storm water flow rates:
(i) for streams with a gaging station, determine the site 7Q2 stream flow by use of the following equation:

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SWA = Site Watershed Area

GWA = Gage Watershed Area

(ii) for small watersheds without a gaging station, measure the watershed area using GIS computer software applications. An appropriate runoff coefficient, C, for the entire watershed region is used. The average storm event intensity, I, is used. The stream flow rate is calculated as follows:

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Qws = flow from the watershed in cfs

Aws = Area in acres

I = average storm event intensity in inches per hour

C = appropriate runoff coefficient

WS = watershed

(iii) Storm water flow rate from the industrial site can be estimated by using the procedure set forth in (ii) above. The drainage areas (pervious and impervious) are reported in the application.

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(2) Calculate Permit Limits. Using the flows determined under Rule 1.2.6.F.2.b and the Mississippi, or EPA (when there is no State criteria) Water Quality Criteria for Toxic Pollutants, calculate maximum allowable concentrations in the storm water runoff for all parameters of concern. Since the acute water quality criteria are based on 96 hours exposure and the EPA storm water sampling protocol requires first 30 minutes of grab and 3 hours of composite samples during a storm after 72 hours of dry weather, only the acute criterion will be used to establish permit limits. Also, the average storm event duration in Mississippi is about 8 hours. Calculation:

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PL = Permit Limit

CMC = Criteria Maximum Concentration (Acute)

Q I = Flow from industry

QS = Flow from stream

When the model or calculated limit is higher than the maximum concentration reported on the 2F application, the permit will generally only require monitoring.

(c) Best Professional Judgment

When there are no ELG or WQS numeric limitations or standards, BPJ will be used to set permit limits or to require Best Management Practices (BMPs) to protect water quality.

G. Determining Compliance with Non-Detect or Below Detection Limitations.

It is recognized that the calculated limits for specific chemicals may be below the analytical minimum quantitation level for the pollutant of concern. However, in this case the permit limit will be this calculated value. In such cases, compliance with the permit limits shall be determined as follows:

(1) The permit will specify the analytical procedure to be used.
(2) The guidelines establishing test procedures for the analysis of pollutants set forth in 40 CFR Part 136 are incorporated herein and adopted by reference and as hereinafter amended. The weblink to 40 CFR Part 136 follows:


(3) The MQL is the lowest concentration at which a particular substance can be quantitatively measured, and is defined analytically as the lowest concentration used in the calibration of the measurement system.
(4) Any sample result reported as "non-detected" or "less than" the MQL shall be entered as zero.

The following language shall be placed in permits:

If the results for a given sample analysis are such that any parameter (Other than fecal coliform, enterococci, e coli) is not detected at or above the minimum level for the test method used, a value of zero will be used for that sample in calculating an arithmetic mean value for the parameter. If the resulting calculated arithmetic mean value for that reporting period is zero, the permittee shall report "NODI=B" on the DMR. For fecal coliform and other pollutants that are based on calculating a geometric mean, a value of 1.0 shall be used in calculating the geometric mean. If the resulting fecal coliform mean value is 1.0, the permittee shall report "NODI=B" on the DMR. For each quantitative sample value that is not detectable, the test method used and the minimum level for that method for that parameter shall be attached to and submitted with the DMR. The permittee shall then be considered in compliance with the appropriate effluent limitation and/or reporting requirement.

Permits will specify the appropriate analytical method, based on the appropriate sensitivity. Permittees must then report results based on data containing acceptable calibration points at least as low as the MQL.

H. Bioassay Language/Monitoring,

Exhibit "D", which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, represents the standard bioassay language placed in NPDES permits for chronic and acute bioassays, respectively. The fundamentals of the bioassay monitoring requirements are as follows:

(1) Duration

Biomonitoring is for the life of the NPDES permit. Assuming compliance with the toxic limits, monitoring is at a frequency of once per quarter for the first twelve months for industrial and municipal permittees and semi-annually thereafter. The sampling frequency during compliance monitoring shall be at least twice per year unless specified otherwise elsewhere in these regulations, and sampling shall be timed to include the seasonal extremes of the year (hot-dry and cold-wet).

(2) Species

At least two species (one vertebrate and one invertebrate) must be used.

(3) Procedures

Permittee must use the most current EPA accepted procedures. Procedural references are specified in the bioassay language.

(4) Non-Compliance

A permitted facility shall be considered in non-compliance when it fails any bioassay subject to a WET limit. Once a permittee fails a WET test, the permittee shall conduct a second WET test. For chronic tests, the second Chronic WET test must be completed within 30 days following completion of the failed test. For acute tests, the second WET test must be completed within two weeks of the completion of the failed test. Results must be submitted to the Department within two weeks of test completion. If the permittee fails the second WET test, then the permittee shall submit a preliminary Toxicity Reduction Evaluation Plan (TREP) within 45 days, following completion of the follow-up test, the first step of which shall be increased monitoring to determine the characteristics of the toxicity. If the permittee passes the second WET test, the permittee shall conduct the next WET test at the regularly scheduled frequency in the permit. Repeated failure of the WET tests may result in the Permit Board increasing the frequency of WET testing. The Commission will determine the appropriate enforcement response in accordance with existing enforcement policy.

(5) Quality Assurance/Quality Control

A permittee must submit with each WET test result a completed OPC NPDES Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing Report form prescribed by the Commission (included in Exhibit "D").

I. Attaining Compliance with WQBELS.

Whenever a new WQBEL is imposed in a permit, the permittee shall have no more than three years in which to achieve compliance with such limitations. A permittee may apply to the Permit Board for a variance from the compliance schedule.

11 Miss. Code. R. 6-1.2.6

Miss. Code Ann. §§ 49-2-1, et seq. and 49-17-1, et seq.