The following information, documentation, and data shall be provided to the Commission by any person nominating a water body for Tier 3 or ONRW status:
1) A United States Geological Survey 7.5 minute topographic map or its equivalent as approved by the Commission showing those surface waters to be nominated including a description consisting of a river mile index with any existing and proposed discharge points;2) Existing uses and water quality data for the surface water for which the nomination is proposed. If adequate data are unavailable, additional studies may be required by the Commission;3) Descriptions of general land uses and specific land uses adjacent to the surface water for which the nomination is proposed;4) The existing and designated uses of the water upstream and downstream of the proposed water body;5) General physical characteristics of the surface water including width, depth, bottom composition, and slope;6) The frequency of occasions when there is no natural flow in the surface water, and the 7Q10 and harmonic mean flow values for the surface water and adjacent surface waters;7) An assessment of the existing and potential aquatic life habitat in the surface water under consideration and the adjacent upstream surface waters. The existing aquatic life shall be documented including the occurrence of individuals or populations, indices of diversity and well-being, and abundance of species of any unique native biota;8) A documented rationale as to why the water qualifies for the nomination; and the rationale used to support the national significance of the water;9) A listing of the types of persons, businesses, and organizations likely to be impacted by the change in Tier designation. Current users, downstream users, and potential future users of the water body and the surrounding land are the types of persons, businesses and organizations likely to be impacted by the change in designation. Those potentially impacted include cities, townships, permit holders, environmental organizations, and recreational users. Miss. Code. tit. 11, pt. 6, ch. 1, subch. 2, exh. 11-6-1-2-G to Chapter 1, Subchapters 1 and 2