Project costs must be specifically disclosed and justified in the proposed budget submitted with the grant application as described in Rule 3.3(B)(2).
In order to receive consideration for a grant award from the Commission on Environmental Quality, counties, municipalities, regional solid waste management authorities and other multi-county entities shall submit an application as per the following procedures:
Local governments applying for funding as economically disadvantaged communities must demonstrate in the grant application that the community meets at least one of these criteria.
When funds requested exceed funds available, the ranking factors above maybe used to determine which projects are awarded grant funding. However, the Commission, in its discretion, may also apportion available funding to all applicants in a fair and equitable manner when the factors above do not yield clear award preferences. Such apportionment shall be made utilizing the maximum funding percentages of Rule 3.3(B)(4) as guidance.
11 Miss. Code. R. 4-3.3