However, these regulations shall not affect the right of any person to seek relief against any party to the Brownfield Agreement who may have liability with respect to a Brownfield Agreement Site, except as provided in this section.
Upon completion of the Brownfield Agreement, the Brownfield Party may petition MCEQ to determine that the Brownfield Party has completed performance of the Brownfield Agreement. If MCEQ determines after conducting an inspection of the Brownfield Agreement Site that the Brownfield Party has completed the Brownfield Agreement, MCEQ shall issue an order stating MCEQ's conclusion. Following issuance of an order by MCEQ, the Executive Director shall issue a "no further action" letter. The letter shall include the following statement: "Based upon the information provided by [Brownfield Party] concerning property located at [location], it is the opinion of the Commission on Environmental Quality that [Brownfield Party] has successfully and satisfactorily implemented and completed the approved Brownfield Agreement. No further action is required to assure that the remediation required under the Brownfield Agreement is protective of public health and the environment in accordance with the existing and proposed uses of this property."
11 Miss. Code. R. 3-2.1.7