When this excess cancer risk is calculated or determined to be greater than 1 X 10-4, the applicant must demonstrate that, notwithstanding the calculated risks, public health is not threatened by the proposed emissions of air toxics.
SO2 1.0 [MICRO]g/m3, annual average; 5 [MICRO]g/m3, 24-hour average; 25 [MICRO]g/m3, 3-hour average
PM10 1.0 [MICRO]g/m3, annual average; 5 [MICRO]g/m3, 24-hour average
NO2 1.0 [MICRO]g/m3, annual average
CO 0.5 mg/m3, 8-hour average; 2.0 mg/m3, 1-hour average
11 Miss. Code. R. 2-2.5