Rule 11-2-2.2 - General Standards Applicable To All PermitsA. Except as provided for in 11 Miss Admin. Code Pt. 2, Ch. 6., no permit shall be issued unless the applicant has complied with applicable requirements of 11 Miss. Admin. Code Pt. 2, Ch. 1.; 11 Miss. Admin. Code Pt. 2, Ch. 2.; the "Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution Emergency Episodes," 11 Miss. Admin. Code Pt. 2, Ch. 3.; the "Ambient Air Quality Standards," 11 Miss. Admin. Code Pt. 2, Ch. 4., except as provided for in Rule 2.5.E. herein; 11 Miss. Admin. Code Pt. 2, Ch. 5.; any amendments to these Applicable Rules and Regulations; and additional relevant Applicable Rules and Regulations promulgated by the Commission and/or Permit Board.B. General Provisions. (1) Any stationary source which holds a valid Title V permit shall be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements regarding a State Permit to Operate contained herein and State Law.(2) The Permit Board may require a permittee to submit an application for a Title V permit at any time the permittee becomes subject to Title V. The Permit Board may require a permittee to submit a Title V application even though the permittee has previously submitted an application for renewal of its State Operating Permit.(3) When requested by the Permit Board, an applicant shall submit information to demonstrate it has the financial resources to comply with the terms and conditions of the permit.(4) When requested by the Permit Board, an applicant shall submit information on the applicant's compliance history to provide reasonable assurance that it will comply with the terms and conditions of the permit.(5) The knowing submittal of a permit application with false information may serve as the basis for the Permit Board to void the permit issued pursuant thereto or subject the applicant to penalties for operating without a valid permit pursuant to State Law.(6) Acceptance by the Permit Board of a permit application does not constitute a waiver of the DEQ's right to assess appropriate penalties against the applicant pursuant to State Law for constructing or operating without a valid permit.(7) The issuance of a permit does not release the permittee from liability for constructing or operating air emissions equipment in violation of any applicable statute, rule, or regulation of state or federal environmental authorities.(8) Applicants for all permits to construct or operate, or to renew a State Permit to Operate, shall specify in their application the air emission rate for each air pollutant subject to regulation under the Federal Act that can be reasonably expected to be emitted into the air as a result of operations from the source.(9) Each application must be signed by the Responsible Official. The signature of the applicant shall constitute an agreement that the applicant assumes the responsibility for any alterations, additions or changes in operation that may be necessary to achieve and maintain compliance with all Applicable Rules and Regulations.(10) The Permit Board may, in any permit, establish limitations and requirements on the emission of air pollutants and on other parameters of a stationary source to assure that the requirements of Applicable Rules and Regulations are met subject toMiss. Code Ann. § 49-17-34(2) and (3). Where the Permit Board does not establish limitations and requirements in a permit, the permit shall provide that the rates of emissions and other operating conditions and parameters specified in the application shall be the applicable limitations and requirements.(11) The Permit Board may, in any permit, establish requirements for compliance testing by emissions sampling and analysis, for emissions and operation monitoring, and for reporting of the results from such testing and monitoring. The Permit Board shall consider factors in establishing such requirements as follows: (a) Applicable Rules and Regulations which address testing, monitoring, and reporting;(b) prior results of testing and monitoring at the stationary source;(c) the applicant's compliance history;(d) the size of the stationary source;(e) the cost of the testing, monitoring, reporting; and(f) the potential environmental impact of the stationary source.(12) The Permit Board may, in any permit, subdivide the permit requirements to facilitate their expression so as to adequately define, describe, and encompass emissions-producing units, processes, and other portions of a stationary source subject to the requirements.(13) The Permit Board may, in any permit to construct, require the permittee to perform special environmental monitoring for the purpose of detecting, quantifying, and determining the impact of pollutants existing prior to the date the permittee begins to emit when, during the review of the application and the public participation process, questions arise, with regard to separate environmental impacts of pollution raised by the applicant or the Department and which cannot be determined by available scientific data and scientific methods. The Permit Board may, in any State Permit to Operate, require the permittee to perform special environmental monitoring for the purpose of detecting, quantifying, and determining the impact of pollutants emitted by the permittee when such monitoring is necessary because traditional air quality monitoring techniques will not measure the quality of the environment nor the impact of the pollutants emitted into the environment. Such special monitoring may include, but is not limited to, parameters such as ambient concentration, deposition, bio-accumulation in flora and fauna, etc.(14) No permit for the construction or relocation of equipment which will cause the issuance of air contaminants shall be issued when said equipment cannot comply with buffer zone requirements as follows:(a) All sources of air emissions must be at least 150 feet from the nearest residential or recreational area.(b) All sources of air emissions at asphalt plants utilizing conventional technology for the control of air contaminants must be at least 1500 feet from the nearest residential, recreational or light commercial area.(c) All sources of air emissions at asphalt plants utilizing best available technology for the control of air contaminants must be at least 600 feet from the nearest residential, recreational or light commercial area.(d) Rendering plants or other similar operations which may cause objectionable odors must be at least 1500 feet from the nearest residential, recreational or light commercial area and be located in compliance withMiss. Code Ann. § 41-51-19.(e) Notwithstanding (a) above, incinerators must be at least 150 feet from any dwelling or from any light commercial building not owned by the applicant.(f) Where buffer zone requirements cannot be met, the Permit Board will consider requests for exceptions to, or variances from, these requirements upon the applicant's submittal of sufficient proof that affected property owners within the subject buffer zone have had timely and sufficient notice of the proposed stationary source. Any comments received as a result of such notice shall be considered prior to action upon any request for exceptions to, or variances from, the buffer zone requirements.(g) The Permit Board may establish buffer zone requirements for facilities not included in 15(a)-(f) considering factors including but not limited to, the type of emissions, the quantity of emissions, the physical characteristics of the stationary source (such as the location) and such other factors that the Permit Board deems appropriate to protect human health, welfare, or the environment.(15) Each permit issued shall include the following:(a) It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of the permit unless halting or reducing activity would create an imminent and substantial endangerment threatening the public health and safety of the lives and property of the people of this state.(b) The permit and/or any part thereof may be modified, revoked, reopened, and reissued, or terminated for cause. Sufficient cause for a permit to be reopened shall exist when an air emissions stationary source becomes subject to Title V. The filing of a request by the permittee for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination, or of a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance does not stay any permit condition.(c) The permit does not convey any property rights of any sort, or any exclusive privilege.(d) The permittee shall furnish to the DEQ within a reasonable time any information the DEQ may request in writing to determine whether cause exists for modifying, revoking and reissuing, or terminating the permit or to determine compliance with the permit. Upon request, the permittee shall also furnish to the DEQ copies of records required to be kept by the permit or, for information claimed to be confidential, the permittee shall furnish such records to the DEQ along with a claim of confidentiality. The permittee may furnish such records directly to the Administrator of EPA along with a claim of confidentiality.C. Permit Modification or Revocation After notice and opportunity for hearing, the Permit Board may modify, or revoke in whole or in part any permit issued pursuant to these regulations for good cause shown including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) persistent violation of any of the terms or conditions of the permit;(2) obtaining the permit by misrepresentation or failure to disclose fully all relevant facts; or(3) a change in federal, state or local laws or regulations that require either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of previously authorized air emissions.D. Modification of Permits without Modification of Facilities The terms and conditions of a previously issued permit to construct or State Permit to Operate may, upon request of the permittee, be modified if the Permit Board finds that those terms and conditions are no longer necessary to ensure compliance with all Applicable Rules and Regulations or that the modifications sought by the permittee result in operating conditions that are protective of human health and the environment.
Miss. Code Ann. §§ 49-2-9(1)(b), 49-17-17, 49-17-28, 49-17-29, 49-2-1, et seq. and 49-17-1, et seq.