10 Miss. Code. R. 501-7.2

Current through January 14, 2025

Data from Life Tracks shall be used to address requests that require data from multiple data contributors, and requests that are longitudinal in nature requiring data at different points in time.

Requests for reports involving data within a single state agency/entity shall be referred to the relevant state agency/entity.

Requests from the following entities will be provided as a result of state money appropriated to fund the maintenance and operation of the SLDS:

A. Office of Workforce Development;
B. Governor's Office;
C. Lt. Governor and Senate Committee Chairs;
D. Speaker of the House and House Committee Chairs;
E. Mississippi Development Authority.

Third party contractor shall notice SLDS Governing Board members of all requests upon receipt of requests.

Notices to the SLDS Governing Board shall be made via email to Board members. The notifications shall include the feasibility of satisfying the request and, if feasible, a brief description of data sources required to meet the requests. The purpose of the notices to inform Board members of data requests on a timely basis and provide Board members an opportunity to inquire about or provide input to the third-party contractor concurrent with the production of the report.

Public agencies contributing data to the SLDS may request up to 5 reports per state fiscal year with additional reports provided upon approval from the Governing Board. Federally mandated reports required of the public agencies contributing data to the SLDS shall have priority over other requested reports.

Statewide elected officials may request reports from the third-party contractor. Upon request, third-party contractor shall provide the feasibility of completing the report, provide an estimate of time and cost to meet the request, and notify the Governing Board.

Requests may also be made by any other person or entity to the SLDS at public and private rates published on the official SLDS website, as approved by the SLDS. Upon request, third party contractor shall provide the feasibility of completing the report and an estimate of time and cost to meet the request. If work is completed under the estimated timeframe, cost shall decrease accordingly. If third party contractor is to exceed the estimated timeframe to perform the work, notice shall be provided to the requestor to determine if work shall proceed. The Governing Board shall be notified by the third-party contractor of all requests.

10 Miss. Code. R. 501-7.2

Miss. Code Ann. § 37-154-3
Amended 4/12/2015
Amended 9/3/2021
Amended 5/15/2023