10 Miss. Code. R. 201-2.10

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 10-201-2.10 - Listing of Approved Institutions

The Commission shall maintain an approved list of all public and private postsecondary, academic degree-granting institutions or any other entities domiciled, incorporated, or otherwise located in Mississippi which offer postsecondary academic degrees, programs, or coursework. Domiciled shall mean conducting postsecondary academic activity, including field placements, within the state of Mississippi.

The list will be available for download from http://www.mississippi.edu/mcca/. Hard copies of this list will be available to the public for a nominal fee. Copies are available from:

Mississippi Institutions for Higher Learning

Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation

3825 Ridgewood Road, Ninth Floor

Jackson, MS 39211

The provisions of section 2.10 do not apply to government officials, state legislators, or state agencies.

10 Miss. Code. R. 201-2.10

Adopted 6/12/2023
Amended 2/19/2024