1 Miss. Code. R. 17-2.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 1-17-2.2 - In-Person Absentee Ballots

When an absent voter casts an absentee ballot in-person at the registrar's office, and the ballot is deposited by the voter into a secure ballot box, the absent voter may not cast a regular ballot on election day for the same election. If an absent elector, after having cast an absentee ballot, appears at the polling place on election day and seeks to cast a regular ballot, the voter must be informed that he/she is not entitled to cast a regular ballot, but may cast an affidavit ballot. In the process of providing an absentee ballot, the registrar will use either SEMS to document the request, issuance, and receipt of the ballot, or mark directly on the pollbook to indicate the absent voter has voted absentee by printing "VOTED AB" in the pollbook beside the voter's name in the Election Date/Write Voted column. In canvassing the election, the officials in charge of the election must ascertain whether the absentee voter's absentee ballot was accepted by the Resolution Board, and if accepted, must reject the affidavit ballot cast by the elector. If the absentee ballot was rejected by the Resolution Board, the officials in charge of the election may count the affidavit ballot if it is determined to be legal.

1 Miss. Code. R. 17-2.2

Miss. Code Ann.§ 23-15-637(3).
Adopted 12/5/2015
Amended 11/3/2020