1 Miss. Code. R. 13-2.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 1-13-2.2 - Electronic Transmission Required

All applications for registration, all Customer Transaction Reports, all Dealer-to-Dealer Transaction Reports, and any other papers or documents required to be maintained or submitted by the Act or by these Rules, must be transmitted electronically to the Secretary of State's Agent. The failure to electronically submit an application for registration, Customer Transaction Reports, or Dealer-to-Dealer Transaction Reports, and any other papers or documents required to be maintained or submitted by the Act or these Rules to the Agent will subject the business to the administrative penalties authorized by Mississippi Code Annotated Section 97-17- 71.1 (6)(d) (i)(ii). The electronic filing shall be accessed through the Secretary of State's website or that of its Agent. Instructions for e-filing and e-filing forms shall be available on the Secretary of State's website at www.sos.ms.gov. Assistance may also be provided by contacting the Division at 601-359- 9055.

1 Miss. Code. R. 13-2.2

Miss. Code Ann. § 97-17-71.1(1)(b).
Amended 7/1/2022