Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 1-10-9.4 - System Securitya. EPBs may not have access or connectivity to the internet. No data may be electronically transmitted via the internet by any EPB equipped with internet capability.b. Nothing herein shall prohibit the use of a hub, switch or router to connect multiple EPBs within the same polling place so as to share data between those EPBs. Such hub, switch or router shall be air gapped and not have any internet connectivity.c. Passwords and access to the EPBs are critical to election security and integrity. Users should adhere to a strict user name/password protocol when accessing the system and devices distributed to the polling locations.d. Physical security of the EPBs and related election must be a priority as with all election-related equipment. i. EPBs shall be stored in a secured location andii. Utilization of an access log shall be required for entry into the storage area.