Miss. Code. tit. 1, pt. 10, ch. 5, exh. 1-10-5-C

Current through January 14, 2025
Exhibit 1-10-5-C - Instructions for Voters Casting Affidavit Ballots

You have cast an affidavit ballot because:

You are not registered to vote because you may have been illegally denied registration; or

You are eligible to vote in this election; you are a resident of this precinct and lawfully registered to vote in this county at least 30 days prior to this date, and:

* You have moved recently from an old street address, as provided on your affidavit ballot envelope, to a new address, also provided on your affidavit ballot envelope; or

* You have not moved recently, but your name is not on the pollbook; or

* You did not present photo ID; or

* You have a religious objection to being photographed; or

* You do not otherwise qualify under state or federal law to cast a regular Election Day ballot.

If you cast an affidavit ballot because you did not present photo ID, your affidavit ballot will not be rejected for this reason if you present acceptable photo ID in the Circuit Clerk's Office within the next five (5) business days. If you do not present acceptable photo ID in the Circuit Clerk's Office within the next five (5) business days, your affidavit ballot will not be counted.

If you cast an affidavit ballot because you did not present photo ID based upon a religious object to being photographed, your affidavit ballot will not be rejected for this reason if you complete an Affidavit of Religious Objection in the Circuit Clerk's Office within the next five (5) business days. If you do not complete an Affidavit of Religious Objection in the Circuit Clerk's Office within the next five (5) business days, your affidavit ballot will not be counted.

Under federal and state law, you are entitled to discover the disposition of your affidavit ballot. Please contact your party executive committee (in primary elections), your election commission (in general and special elections) or your Circuit Clerk to determine whether your affidavit ballot was counted and, if not, then why. Please do not telephone the contact until ten (10) days from today.

CONTACT: ___________________________

TELEPHONE NUMBER: ______________________________

Miss. Code. tit. 1, pt. 10, ch. 5, exh. 1-10-5-C

Adopted 6/10/2018