Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 1-1-4.9 - Organization of Rule Submissions When agencies submit rules to the Secretary of State's Office for filing as either proposed rules or for final adoption, the organization and format described below must be followed unless otherwise approved by the Secretary of State's Office.
A.Proposed amendments to existing rules must include FOUR (4) documents: 1. Word and PDF version of: a. Notice Filing (SOS APA Form 001).b. Concise Summary of Economic Impact Statement (SOS APA Form 002), if required.2. Word and PDF version of: the text of the rule if the proposed amended language is adopted and a variance consisting of the existing rule with the proposed changes and amendments indicated using a and underscore method. Text of the existing rule that is to be deleted should be struck through (not redacted) and new inserted text should be underscored.B.Final adopted amendments or changes to existing rules must include FOUR (4) documents: 1. Word and PDF version of: a. Notice Filing (SOS APA Form 001).2. Word and PDF version of: The final text of the rule as it will appear for publication in the Administrative Code and a variance consisting of the text as initially filed with the Secretary of State as a proposed amendment compared to the final adopted text with the changes indicated using a and underscore method. Text that is to be deleted should be struck through (not redacted) and new inserted text should be underscored. The variance should be omitted if the amendment is adopted with no change. C. For proposed new rules agencies must include the following FOUR (4) documents: 1. Word and PDF version of: a. Notice Filing (SOS APA Form 001).b. Concise Summary of Economic Impact Statement (SOS APA Form 002), if required.2. Word and PDF version of: the text of the proposed new rule.D. For final adoption of new rules, agencies must include the following FOUR (4) documents: 1. Word and PDF version of: a. Notice Filing (SOS APA Form 001).2. Word and PDF version of: the final text of the new rule as it will appear for publication in the Administrative Code and a variance consisting of the text as initially filed with the Secretary of State as a proposed new rule compared to the final adopted text with the changes indicated using a and underscore method. Text that should indicate deletions must be struck through (not redacted) and new inserted text should be underscored. The variance should be omitted if the rule is adopted with no change from the proposed rule.E. For a proposed repeal of an existing rule, agencies must include the following FOUR (4) documents: 1. Word and PDF version of: a. Notice Filing (SOS APA Form 001).b. Concise Summary of Economic Impact Statement (SOS APA Form 002), if required.2. Word and PDF version of: the rule citation, followed by the title or caption, if appropriate, and the word "REPEAL" in all caps following the rule number and title and a variance consisting of the existing rule proposed to be repealed with all text indicating deletion using a method. Text of the existing rule that is to be deleted should be struck through (not redacted) in a way that enables the public to clearly read the full text of the rule the agency proposes to repeal.F. For final adoption of a rule repeal, agencies must include the following FOUR (4) documents: 1. Word and PDF version of: a. Notice Filing (SOS APA Form 001).2. Word and PDF version of: the rule citation, followed by the title or caption, if appropriate, followed by the word "REPEALED" in all caps and the effective date of the repeal. An example follows: 1 Mississippi Administrative Code Pt. I, R. 4.8. Organization of Rule Submissions. REPEALED. Effective mm/dd/yyyy. NOTE: If the agency repeals the entire text of an existing rule, no variance as described in paragraph E.2 of this rule on final adoption is required. However, if an agency does not repeal the entire text, the rule is presented for final adoption as an amendment to an existing rule under paragraph B of this rule.
Miss. Code Ann. § 25-43-2.101 (Rev. 2006).