Part 4714.0611 - WATER CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT UPC sections 611.0 to 611.3 are amended to read as follows:
611.0 Water Conditioning Equipment.611.1 Application. Water conditioning equipment shall comply with the requirements in this section. 611.1.1 Definition. "Water conditioning equipment" means any appliance, appurtenance, or fixture, or any combination thereof, designed to treat potable water, so as to alter, modify, add, or remove any minerals, chemicals, or bacteria contained in water. Water conditioning equipment includes but is not limited to ion exchange water softeners, backwashing water filters, oxidizing water filters, cartridge filters, chemical feed cartridges, ultraviolet lights, and equipment for reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, pH adjustment, nitrate and arsenic removal, and adsorption onto activated carbon.611.1.2 Manufacture and Assembly. Water conditioning equipment shall: (1) be manufactured as a complete system; or (2) be assembled as a complete system by a licensed plumbing contractor or licensed water conditioning contractor, using various types of water conditioning equipment. Wetted surface materials used in water conditioning equipment shall comply with ANSI/NSF 61 standards, or the equipment shall comply with the applicable NSF standards as listed in Table 1401.1. Exception: Water conditioning equipment that treats water for nonpotable uses that are protected by an approved backflow device, assembly, or method as required in Chapter 6, as amended.
611.1.3 Labeling. All conditioning equipment shall be labeled by: (1) the manufacturer of equipment manufactured as a complete system; or(2) the licensed plumbing contractor or licensed water conditioning contractor who assembled the complete system so as to clearly identify the type of equipment and the name and address of the manufacturer, licensed plumbing contractor, or licensed water conditioning contractor.611.2 Airgap Discharge. Any discharge from water conditioning equipment shall enter the drainage system through an airgap in accordance with Table or an airgap device in accordance with Table 603.2, NSF 58, or IAPMO PS 65.611.3 Connection Tubing. The tubing to and from water conditioning units shall be of a size and material as recommended by the manufacturer. The tubing shall comply with the requirements of NSF 14, NSF 42, NSF 44, NSF 53, NSF 55, NSF 58, NSF 62, or the appropriate material standards referenced in Table 1401.1.Minn. R. agency 222, ch. 4714, pt. 4714.0611