Minn. R. agency 222, ch. 4714, pt. 4714.0418
UPC section 418.4 is amended to read as follows:
418.4 Food Storage Areas. Where drains are provided in storerooms, walk-in freezers, walk-in coolers, refrigerated equipment, or other locations where food is stored, the drains shall have indirect waste piping. Separate waste pipes shall be run from each food storage area, each with an indirect connection to the building sanitary drainage system. Traps shall be provided in accordance with Section 801.2.2 and shall be vented.
Indirect drains shall be permitted to be located in freezers or other spaces where freezing temperatures are maintained, provided that traps, where supplied, shall be located where the seal will not freeze. Otherwise, the floor of the freezer shall be sloped to a floor drain located outside of the storage compartment.
UPC section 418 is amended by adding the following subsections.
418.6 Elevator Pit Drain. An elevator pit drain shall discharge to the sanitary sewer using an indirect connection that precludes the possibility of sewage backup into the pit. If a sump is used, it shall be outside the pit with a dry pan drain flowing to it.
418.7 Garage and Parking Area Floor Drains. Floor area drains in open parking areas, including open areas of parking ramps, shall discharge to the storm sewer or to a place of disposal satisfactory to the sewer authority. Floor drains in parking areas that are enclosed, and floor drains in areas open or enclosed that are used for maintenance or as vehicle wash bays, shall discharge to the sanitary sewer if a municipal sewer is available. An oil and flammable liquid interceptor shall be provided if required by Section 1017.
Exception: Floor drains in private garages serving one- and two-family dwellings may discharge to daylight if approved by the administrative authority.
Minn. R. agency 222, ch. 4714, pt. 4714.0418