Part 4714.0317 - FOOD-HANDLING ESTABLISHMENTS UPC section 317.1 is amended to read as follows:
317.1 General. Soil or drain pipes installed over areas where food or drink will be stored, prepared, or displayed shall be installed with the minimum number of joints necessary and connected to the nearest adequately sized vertical stack with the following provisions:(1) Plumbing openings through floors over such areas shall be sealed watertight to the floor construction.(2) Floor and shower drains installed above such areas shall be equipped with integral seepage pans.(3) Cleanouts shall be extended through the floor construction above.(4) Piping subject to operation at temperatures that will form condensation on the exterior of the pipe shall be thermally insulated.(5) Where pipes are installed in ceilings above such areas, the ceiling shall be of the removable type, or shall be provided with access panels in order to form a ready access for inspection of piping.Minn. R. agency 222, ch. 4714, pt. 4714.0317