Part 2100.5200 - CONSIDERATIONS IN REGISTRATION ISSUANCESubpart 1.Factors.Upon receipt of an application for establishment of a barber school, the board shall give consideration to the factors in subparts 2 and 5.
Subp. 2.Public welfare.The board shall give consideration to any detriment to the public welfare and the need for barber school facilities in the community and neighborhood where the proposed barber school is to be located, giving particular consideration to:
A. the economic character of the community and neighborhood;B. the effect on existing barber shops and barber schools in the community;C. the availability of adequate support for the proposed barber school in the community and neighborhood with particular regard to adequate practice for students;D. the extent to which the proposed barber school would draw patrons from adjacent communities or neighborhoods and the character thereof; andE. the effect of the establishment of a barber school on the social and economic aspects of the community and neighborhood and adjacent communities and neighborhoods in regard to the proposed site.Subp. 3. [Repealed, 13 SR 1916]Subp. 4. [Repealed, 13 SR 1916]Subp. 5.Student-registered instructor ratio.There must be at least one instructor for every 17 students enrolled.
Minn. R. agency 202, ch. 2100, BARBER SCHOOLS, pt. 2100.5200
13 SR 1916; L 2013 c 85 art 5 s 49Statutory Authority: MS s 154.24