Written tests shall be conducted simultaneously in as many places as are necessary for the convenience of the applicants and as are practicable for proper administration. The supervisor may designate such monitors as may be necessary to conduct examinations under instructions prescribed by the supervisor and may also arrange for the use of public buildings in which to conduct the examinations. The supervisor shall provide for the compensation of monitors in accordance with the approved budget for the purpose.
The supervisor shall refuse to score the examination of an applicant who copies another applicant's examination paper, or falsifies an identity to gain admittance to the examination, or who otherwise meets the criteria for disqualification as provided for in part 9575.0420.
Special examination arrangements must be made for qualified applicants with disabilities if the usual selection process cannot adequately predict job performance unless:
Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9575, EXAMINATIONS, pt. 9575.0470
Statutory Authority: MS s 256.012