Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9565, pt. 9565.1200
Each local social service agency shall make homemaking services available to eligible families and adults, consistent with state and local social service plan requirements.
The local social service agency shall assure that each individual and family receiving homemaking services is served by a qualified homemaker.
The local social service agency shall assure that the recruitment, selection, and duties of homemakers are consistent with merit system standards.
The local social service agency shall provide for training for homemakers and staff responsible for homemaking services.
Each homemaker shall have a minimum of 24 hours of training the first year of the homemaker's employment, and six hours training annually thereafter. The training shall include courses in homemaker skills, child and personal care, human growth and development, the aging process, nutrition and home management; and training in working with developmental disability, mentally ill, chemically dependent, physically disabled or physical disabilities, and family malfunction.
The assignment of homemakers shall be made on the basis of the particular abilities and skills of the homemaker.
A homemaker is to be utilized only as indicated by the service plan developed by the client, social worker, and homemaker. The service plan shall be managed by the social worker.
The role of the homemaker shall be either that of a surrogate caretaker or that of a demonstrator or teacher working with individuals and families to help them achieve self-support; self-care; home-based care; or remedy of neglect, abuse, or exploitation of family members. The tasks shall include assisting with or giving child care, personal care, home management, food planning and preparation, laundering, and general household duties.
The local agency shall develop guidelines for the use of the homemaking service to assure quality of practice. These guidelines shall include the following:
Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9565, pt. 9565.1200
Statutory Authority: MS s 256.01; 256E.05