Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9560, FOSTER CARE FOR CHILDREN, pt. 9560.0650
The local agency shall make payments based on the following maintenance standards:
Age | Monthly Maintenance Standard | Initial Clothing |
0-11 | $212 ($244 effective January 1984) | up to $146 (up to $168 effective January 1984) |
12-14 | $293 | up to $288 |
15-18 | $320 | up to $348 |
The initial clothing allowance shall be available based on the child's needs during the first 60 days of the initial placement. The state agency shall annually review and revise the maintenance standard based on "USDA Estimates of the Cost of Raising a Child," issued by the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Resources Service, Publication 1411 (October, 1982).
When foster care is provided for a child by a provider licensed under parts 9545.0010 to 9545.0260 through contract with a public or private agency, foster care maintenance payments and difficulty of care payments shall be determined according to the rate schedules in subpart 1 and parts 9560.0653 to 9560.0655. If the local agency is contracting for administrative or social services costs, the payments to the contracting agency shall be in addition to the rates established in subpart 1 and parts 9560.0653 to 9560.0655.
The local agency may pay a fee for services to foster parents based on the foster parents' skills, experience, or training. This fee is not a maintenance expense.
The local agency may, through action by the county welfare board, human service board, or board of county commissioners, establish a local fund of county money through which the agency may reimburse foster parents for the cost of repairing damage done to the foster home and contents by the foster child, and the additional car insurance premium cost of a foster child who possesses a permit or license to drive a car.
The agency shall reassess a child:
Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9560, FOSTER CARE FOR CHILDREN, pt. 9560.0650
Statutory Authority: MS s 256.01; 256.82; 256E.05; 257.071; 257.175; 260.40; 260C.212; 260C.451; 393.07