Part 9530.6465 - SERVICE INITIATION AND TERMINATION POLICIESSubpart 1.Service initiation policy.A license holder must have a written service initiation policy containing service initiation preferences which comply with this rule and Code of Federal Regulations, title 45, part 96.131, and specific service initiation criteria. The license holder must not initiate services for individuals who do not meet the service initiation criteria. The service initiation criteria must be either posted in the area of the facility where services for clients are initiated, or given to all interested persons upon request. Titles of all staff members authorized to initiate services for clients must be listed in the services initiation and termination policies. A license holder that serves intravenous drug abusers must have a written policy that provides service initiation preference as required by Code of Federal Regulations, title 45, part 96.131.
Subp. 2.License holder responsibilities; terminating or denying services.A license holder has specific responsibilities when terminating services or denying treatment service initiation to clients for reasons of health, behavior, or criminal activity.
A. The license holder must have and comply with a written protocol for assisting clients in need of care not provided by the license holder, and for clients who pose a substantial likelihood of harm to themselves or others, if the behavior is beyond the behavior management capabilities of the staff. All service terminations and denials of service initiation which pose an immediate threat to the health of any individual or require immediate medical intervention must be referred to a medical facility capable of admitting the individual.B. All service termination policies and denials of service initiation that involve the commission of a crime against a license holder's staff member or on a license holder's property, as provided under Code of Federal Regulations, title 42, section 2.12(c)(5), and Code of Federal Regulations, title 45, parts 160 to 164, must be reported to a law enforcement agency with proper jurisdiction.Subp. 3.Service termination and transfer policies.A license holder must have a written policy specifying the conditions under which clients must be discharged. The policy must include:
A. procedures for individuals whose services have been terminated under subpart 2;B. a description of client behavior that constitutes reason for a staff-requested service termination and a process for providing this information to clients;C. procedures consistent with Minnesota Statutes, section 253B.16, subdivision 2, that staff must follow when a client admitted under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 253B, is to have services terminated;D. procedures staff must follow when a client leaves against staff or medical advice and when the client may be dangerous to self or others;E. procedures for communicating staff-approved service termination criteria to clients, including the expectations in the client's individual treatment plan according to part 9530.6425; andF. titles of staff members authorized to terminate client services must be listed in the service initiation and termination policies.Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9530, pt. 9530.6465
Statutory Authority: MS s 241.021; 245A.03; 245A.09; 254A.03; 254B.03; 254B.04