Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9505, MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS, pt. 9505.0330
"Outpatient hospital service" means a health service that is medically necessary and is provided to a recipient by or under the supervision of a physician, dentist, or other provider having medical staff privileges in an outpatient hospital facility licensed under Minnesota Statutes, section 144.50.
To be eligible for participation in the medical assistance program, an outpatient hospital facility must meet the requirements of part 9505.0300, subparts 2 and 4.
Payment for an outpatient hospital service, other than an emergency outpatient hospital service, is subject to the same service and payment limitations that apply to covered services in parts 9505.0170 to 9505.0475. Further, the payment for an outpatient hospital service is subject to the same prior authorization requirement and payment rate that apply to a similar health service when that service is furnished by a provider other than an outpatient hospital facility.
Medical assistance payments are allowed for the following service components of an emergency outpatient hospital service:
Separate charges for items B and C must be billed in the manner prescribed by the department.
For purposes of this subpart, "emergency outpatient hospital service" means a health service provided by an outpatient hospital facility in an area that is designated, equipped, and staffed for emergency services.
An outpatient hospital service that is not an emergency but is provided in an area that is designated, equipped, and staffed for emergency services is not eligible for payment of a facility usage charge as specified in subpart 4, item A. An outpatient hospital service provided in an area of an outpatient hospital which is advertised, represented, or held out to the public as providing acute, episodic care similar to services provided in a physician directed clinic is not eligible for payment as an emergency outpatient hospital service.
Laboratory and X-ray services provided by an outpatient hospital as a result of a recipient's scheduled visit that immediately precedes hospital admission as an inpatient are not covered services.
The outpatient hospital services in items A to C are not eligible for payment under the medical assistance program:
Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9505, MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS, pt. 9505.0330
Statutory Authority: MS s 256B.04