Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9505, MEDICAL ASSISTANCE ELIGIBILITY, pt. 9505.0090
The local agency shall act on an application for medical assistance no later than 45 days from the date of a medical assistance application on behalf of a person who is neither blind nor disabled. In the case of application on behalf of a blind or disabled person, the local agency shall complete the eligibility determination no later than 60 days from the date of the application. The local agency shall not construe the 45- or 60-day period for determination as a waiting period. The local agency must not deny an application earlier than the end of the 45- or 60-day period because of the applicant's refusal to provide the required information.
If the information and documentation required by parts 9505.0010 to 9505.0140 are not obtained within the time limit, the local agency shall notify the applicant, in writing, about the deficiencies of the application, the reason for the delay in determining the applicant's eligibility, and the applicant's right to appeal the agency's delay of a decision under part 9505.0130.
If the reason for the delay is the applicant's refusal to provide required information or documentation, the agency's written notice to the applicant must also state that eligibility will be denied unless the applicant provides the information within ten days of the date of the notice to the applicant.
If the reason for the delay is the applicant's inability to obtain or provide the information, the agency shall assist the applicant to obtain the information.
When a delay results because necessary information cannot be obtained within the time limit, the local agency shall notify the applicant of the reason for the delay in writing, and of the applicant's right to appeal the delay.
An applicant may withdraw his or her application at any time by giving written or oral notice to the local agency. The local agency shall issue a written notice confirming the withdrawal. The notice must inform the applicant of the local agency's understanding that the applicant has withdrawn the application and no longer wants to pursue it. When, within ten days of the date of the agency's notice, an applicant informs a local agency in writing that he or she does not want to withdraw the application, the local agency shall reinstate, and finish processing the application.
Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9505, MEDICAL ASSISTANCE ELIGIBILITY, pt. 9505.0090
Statutory Authority: MS s 256B.04; L 2000 c 340 s 17