Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9500, GENERAL ASSISTANCE, pt. 9500.1231
Except as provided in subpart 2, the standard of assistance for a single adult who does not reside with his or her parents; an adult applicant or recipient who resides with his or her parents and those parents have no minor children; or an emancipated minor applicant or recipient is $203 per month. The standard in this subpart shall be increased by the same percentage as any increase in subpart 4.
The standard of assistance for an assistance unit composed of one individual who resides in a nursing home, negotiated rate facility, or regional treatment center is the amount established as the clothing and personal needs allowance for medical assistance recipients under Minnesota Statutes, section 256B.35, subdivision 1.
The standards of assistance for a married couple without children are the same as the first and second adult standards under subpart 4. If one member of the couple is not included in the general assistance grant, the standard for the other is the second adult standard under subpart 4.
The county agency shall use the standards in items A to M to determine the amount of assistance for a filing unit with a minor child or children. The standard of assistance shall increase or decrease to remain equal to the equivalent MFIP standards under part 9500.2440, subpart 6:
A single adult applicant or recipient who resides with his or her parents who have minor children will receive a child standard from subpart 4 as though the single adult were an additional minor child added to an assistance unit composed of the parent and minor child or children.
The county agency shall determine the assistance standard for a family assistance unit as follows:
Except when an increase must be made in the standard of assistance applicable to an assistance unit due to the addition of a member to the assistance unit or when a recipient enters the community from a negotiated rate facility, the standard of assistance applicable to an assistance unit the first day of a payment month or at the time of application, whichever is later, applies to the assistance unit for the entire month. When a decrease must be made in the standard of assistance for an assistance unit, the decrease shall be effective in the month following the month in which the change necessitating the reduction in the standard took place.
Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9500, GENERAL ASSISTANCE, pt. 9500.1231
Statutory Authority: MS s 256D.01; 256D.04; 256D.051; 256D.06; 256D.08; 256D.09; 256D.111