Part 3400.0175 - EXTENDED ELIGIBILITY.Subpart 1.Three-month extended eligibility period.Extended eligibility is a period of continued eligibility for a family during the 12-month eligibility period as allowed by Minnesota Statutes, section 119B.105. A family may enter extended eligibility under the circumstances described in Minnesota Statutes, section 119B.105, subdivision 1, paragraph (b), and under the following circumstances.
A. An MFIP or DWP participant has a permanent end to all employment plan activities and is not participating in another authorized activity.B. An MFIP or DWP participant has been sanctioned for not participating in all employment plan activities and is not participating in authorized activities outside of an employment plan.C. A parentally responsible individual's unable to care status has expired in a two-parent household.Subp. 2.Permanent and temporary ends of authorized activity.A. If a parentally responsible individual reports an end to the parentally responsible individual's authorized activity, a CCAP agency must consider the end of the authorized activity permanent unless the family reports that the end is temporary. The extended eligibility period begins on the day that the authorized activity permanently ends and continues for up to three months or until a family's redetermination, whichever occurs first.B. If a parentally responsible individual has a temporary end to an authorized activity that becomes a permanent end, the family must report the change to a CCAP agency under Minnesota Statutes, section 256P.07, subdivision 6, paragraph (a), clause (2). The extended eligibility period begins on the date that the change becomes permanent.C. If a parentally responsible individual has more than one authorized activity, extended eligibility is available to the family when the family reports that all authorized activities ended permanently.Subp. 3.Requirements at end of extended eligibility.A. At the end of the extended eligibility period, the parentally responsible individual must participate in an authorized activity for eligibility to continue until the next redetermination according to the following criteria: (1) if employment is the authorized activity of a parentally responsible individual who is eligible under part 3400.0060 or 3400.0090, or of a parentally responsible individual who is eligible under part 3400.0080 without an employment plan, the parentally responsible individual does not have to meet minimum work requirements under Minnesota Statutes, section 119B.10, until redetermination;(2) if education is the authorized activity of a parentally responsible individual who is eligible under part 3400.0060 or 3400.0090, the education activity must meet the criteria in the CCAP agency's child care fund plan; or(3) if the parentally responsible individual is eligible under part 3400.0080 and has an employment plan, the individual must be participating in an authorized activity in the individual's employment plan.B. If the parentally responsible individual is not participating in an authorized activity at the end of the extended eligibility period, a CCAP agency must end the family's eligibility.C. If a parentally responsible individual in a two-parent household entered extended eligibility because the individual's unable to care status under part 3400.0040, subpart 5, expired and the parentally responsible individual has not re-verified the individual's unable to care status or started participating in an authorized activity by the end of the individual's extended eligibility period, a CCAP agency must end the family's eligibility.Subp. 4.Extended eligibility at application or redetermination. A parentally responsible individual is not eligible for extended eligibility when the parentally responsible individual does not have an authorized activity under Minnesota Statutes, section 119B.10, on the application date or redetermination due date. A parentally responsible individual who meets the eligibility requirements at application under part 3400.0040 or at redetermination under part 3400.0180 and experiences a permanent end to the parentally responsible individual's authorized activity after the application date or redetermination due date is eligible for extended eligibility. A family that is eligible under part 3400.0080 or 3400.0090 is not eligible for extended eligibility during the retroactive periods in Minnesota Statutes, sections 119B.09, subdivision 7, and 119B.13, subdivision 6, paragraph (c).
Subp. 5.New authorizations during extended eligibility period.If a child without an authorization for child care assistance requires child care during an extended eligibility period, a CCAP agency must authorize child care for the child based on the number of child care hours that the CCAP agency authorized for other children in the child's household. If a CCAP agency has not authorized child care of any other children in the household, the CCAP agency must authorize child care for the child based on the number of child care hours for which the family was eligible prior to the beginning of the extended eligibility period.
Subp. 6.New authorized activity during extended eligibility period.A. If a parentally responsible individual reports that the parentally responsible individual began a new authorized activity prior to the end of the parentally responsible individual's extended eligibility period, the family moves out of extended eligibility and continues to be eligible until the next redetermination according to the following criteria: (1) if employment is the authorized activity of a parentally responsible individual who is eligible under part 3400.0060 or 3400.0090, or of a parentally responsible individual who is eligible under part 3400.0080 without an employment plan, the parentally responsible individual does not have to meet minimum work requirements under Minnesota Statutes, section 119B.10, until redetermination;(2) if education is the authorized activity of a parentally responsible individual who is eligible under part 3400.0060 or 3400.0090, the individual's authorized activity must meet the criteria in the CCAP agency's child care fund plan; or(3) if the parentally responsible individual is eligible under part 3400.0080 and has an employment plan, the individual must be participating in an authorized activity in the individual's employment plan.B. If a parentally responsible individual began a new authorized activity prior to the end of the extended eligibility period and does not report the new authorized activity, authorizations are approvable retroactively from the date that the extended eligibility period ended, as long as the parentally responsible individual reports the new authorized activity within 90 days after eligibility ended and the parentally responsible individual met all eligibility requirements during the time period after the case closed. A CCAP agency must authorize child care through the end of the 12-month eligibility period as provided by part 3400.0110, subpart 3, and Minnesota Statutes, chapter 119B.Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 3400, pt. 3400.0175