Minn. R. agency 181, ch. 8122, pt. 8122.0250
The annual audits required are due on or before the last day of the sixth month following the organization's fiscal year end or on an extended due date.
A written request to file the annual audit after the required due date must be submitted to the Department of Revenue by the required annual audit due date. The request must be signed by the organization's chief executive officer, gambling manager, or the independent accountant performing the audit. The request must include the:
An automatic 30-day extension will be granted in each fiscal year. Second requests for an extension or requests for extensions exceeding 30 days will be granted only upon a showing of reasonable cause. "Reasonable cause" shall mean cases where the reasons for the fling delay are beyond the control of the organization. Acceptable reasons for granting an additional extension include, but are not limited to:
Minn. R. agency 181, ch. 8122, pt. 8122.0250
Statutory Authority: MS s 270.06; 270C.06