Minn. R. agency 177, ch. 7861, pt. 7861.0210
For the purposes of chapters 7861, 7863, 7864, and 7865, the terms in this chapter have the meanings given them in this part or Minnesota Statutes, sections 349.11 to 349.23.
"Agent of the organization" means a person who, by mutual consent of both parties, acts on behalf of the organization.
"Application software" means those computer programs that direct an electronic game system to perform those specific information-processing activities that permit the operation of electronic pull-tab games or electronic linked bingo games, permit the collection and recording of game information, and permit the reporting of that information to the Gambling Control Board and the Department of Revenue. The application software overlays the operating system software and is unable to function without the operating system software.
"Bingo board" means a disposable sealed bingo placard that is used as a bingo number selection device, containing 75 randomly placed bingo letter and number combinations, using each of the numbers 1 through 75, under numbered seals.
"Bingo numbers" means the letter and number that correspond with one of the following letter and number combinations:
"Bingo paper package" means a bingo paper sheet packet to which an organization has added individual bingo paper sheets, or means bingo paper sheets that an organization will sell as a single unit.
"Bingo paper sheet" means a bingo sheet containing a face or faces that is manufactured from paper with or without preprinted numbers. A sealed bingo paper sheet and a linked bingo paper sheet are considered a bingo paper sheet. The following also apply to bingo paper sheets.
"Bingo paper sheet packet" means a group of bingo paper sheets that is manufactured, collated, and sold by the manufacturer as a unit. Bingo paper sheet packets must not be sold as individual bingo paper sheets. When used in reference to a bingo paper sheet packet, the term "UP's" means the number of bingo paper sheets contained in a bingo paper sheet packet. For example, the term "twelve up" means that the bingo paper sheet packet contains 12 bingo paper sheets.
"Bingo pattern" means a predetermined and preannounced arrangement of spaces or numbers to be covered on a bingo hard card, bingo paper sheet face, or facsimile of a bingo paper sheet by a player to win a bingo game.
"Board" means the Gambling Control Board.
"Bonus play" means a feature of an electronic pull-tab game in which certain tickets in the pull-tab deal give players the opportunity to make additional selections to reveal or determine the value of the prize won for the initially opened electronic pull-tab ticket.
"Breakopen bingo game" means a bingo game in which the organization randomly selects a predetermined quantity of bingo numbers and posts the selected bingo numbers. A breakopen bingo game must be conducted using sealed bingo paper sheets or bingo faces that are electronically generated only after the face has been purchased by the player.
"Case paper" means uncollated bingo paper sheets sold by the manufacturer in case lots. Case paper may be provided in either single bingo paper sheets or in a tablet from which the organization removes single bingo paper sheets.
"Central server" means the manufacturer's computer equipment that houses the operating system, supporting hardware, electronic gaming application software, communications network system, and databases required for electronic game operations, and stores and manages electronic gaming data between individual electronic gaming points of sale. Central servers must be located in Minnesota.
"Central server" means the manufacturers computer equipment that houses the operating system, supporting hardware, electronic gaming application software, communications network system, and databases required for electronic game operations, and stores and manages electronic gaming data between individual electronic gaming points of sale. Central servers must be located in Minnesota.
"Chance ticket" means one of a predetermined number of paper pull-tab tickets contained in a chance ticket display attached or adjacent to the game flare which corresponds to the number of qualifying winning tickets in a multiple chance game.
"Chance ticket display" means the tamper-resistant sealed, perforated, or covered display containing the chance tickets in a multiple chance game.
"Civic celebration" means an event conducted in Minnesota that is sponsored by a local unit of government having jurisdiction over the event.
"Communications network" means an Internet-based communications system used for the data transfer of all transactions associated with the conduct of electronic games. For lawful gambling purposes, communications network includes data transmission service and equipment required to provide the Internet signal at the lawful gambling premises up to the first piece of equipment required at the point of sale system maintained by the licensed organization as part of an approved electronic gaming system.
"Communications network" means an Internet-based communications system used for the data transfer of all transactions associated with the conduct of electronic games. For lawful gambling purposes, communications network includes data transmission service and equipment required to provide the Internet signal at the lawful gambling premises up to the first piece of equipment required at the point of sale system maintained by the licensed organization as part of an approved electronic gaming system.
"Compensation" means wages, salaries, and all other forms of payment for services provided by a person.
"Continuation bingo game" means a bingo game where up to three games may be played concurrently on one bingo paper sheet face, bingo hard card, or facsimile of a bingo paper sheet; all completed winning patterns are verified independently; and no restrictions are placed on the order of completing the required patterns. Each portion of the continuation game is considered a complete game, even though the numbers selected for the previous game or games are not made available again for selection until all of the games have been completed.
"Control number" means a unique alphanumeric or numeral code assigned by the organization to identify a bingo paper sheet, bingo paper sheet packet, or bingo paper package. The control number of the bingo paper sheet may be the serial number printed on the bingo paper by the manufacturer.
"Cumulative pull-tab or tipboard game" means a pull-tab or tipboard game that is played with two or more deals containing the same form number but unique serial number for each deal, has a portion of each deal's predetermined prize payout designated to a cumulative prize pool, and is packaged by the manufacturer as a cumulative game.
"Electronic gambling equipment" means:
"Electronic game occasion" means a consecutive period of time during which credits are sold for the purchase of electronic pull-tabs or electronic linked bingo or credits from the play of electronic pull-tabs or electronic linked bingo are redeemed.
"Electronic game system" means all components in electronic, computer, mechanical, or other technologic form that function together to support the play of one or more electronic pull-tab games and electronic linked bingo games, including all functions required by the standards in parts 7863.0270, 7864.0230, and 7864.0235.
"Electronic gambling equipment" means:
"Electronic game cash on hand" means the total amount of cash and money orders in the point-of-sale system cash drawer used in conjunction with the conduct of electronic pull-tabs or electronic linked bingo.
"Electronic game occasion" means a consecutive period of time during which credits are sold for the purchase of electronic pull-tabs or electronic linked bingo or credits from the play of electronic pull-tabs or electronic linked bingo are redeemed.
"Electronic game system" means all components in electronic, computer, mechanical, or other technologic form that function together to support the play of one or more electronic pull-tab games and electronic linked bingo games, including all functions required by the standards in parts 7863.0270, 7864.0230, and 7864.0235.
"Electronic linked bingo game" means an electronic bingo game that is played on a handheld, portable electronic device that permits play against other bingo players at multiple permitted premises.
"Electronic linked bingo gross receipts" means the value of credits wagered on electronic linked bingo games.
"Electronic linked bingo net proceeds at premises" means the difference between the electronic linked bingo gross receipts and the electronic linked bingo prizes awarded at the premises.
"Electronic linked bingo net receipts" means the difference between the electronic linked bingo gross receipts and the electronic linked bingo prizes paid.
"Electronic linked bingo prizes awarded at premises" means the value of credits awarded at the premises for electronic linked bingo prizes.
"Electronic linked bingo prizes paid" means the portion of the linked bingo prize pool that is allocated to an organizations electronic linked bingo gross receipts at a premises.
"Electronic net value of credits" or "electronic net" means the dollar value difference between the credits purchased during an electronic game occasion and the credits redeemed at the premises during the electronic game occasion.
"Electronic pull-tab gross receipts" means the value of credits wagered on electronic pull-tab games.
"Electronic pull-tab net receipts" means the difference between the electronic pull-tab gross receipts and the electronic pull-tab prizes awarded.
"Electronic pull-tab prizes awarded at premises" means the value of credits added to a device at the premises for electronic pull-tab game prizes.
"Electronic pull-tab prizes paid" means the total electronic pull-tab prizes paid in cash at a premises and any electronic pull-tab prizes paid by check.
"Emergency expenditure" means a financial obligation due and payable that, if not met, would require the organization to immediately stop gambling.
"Event game" means a single pull-tab game in which certain prizes are determined by the selection of a bingo number, the opening or uncovering of a seal or seals, the spin of a paddlewheel, or by another alternative method approved by the board.
"Facsimile of a bingo paper sheet" means an electronic representation of a bingo paper face with its face number displayed in an electronic bingo device used by a bingo player. The following also apply to a facsimile of a bingo paper sheet.
"Facsimile of a pull-tab ticket" means an electronic representation resembling a pull-tab ticket where symbols are revealed to the player in an automated format and the winning symbols are arranged in a straight-line method.
"Fair market value" is what a willing buyer would pay a willing seller when neither has to buy or sell and both are aware of the conditions of the sale. Fair market value for purposes of merchandise prizes must be related to the manufacturer's suggested retail price, list price, advertised price, or actual cost. The price or cost is determined when the merchandise prize is acquired by the organization.
"Family" means a group of pull-tab or tipboard games with the same name.
"Family member" means a pull-tab or tipboard game with the same name as another family member but with a different form number.
"Flashboard" means an electronic device that displays the numbers and letters of called bingo numbers.
"Form number" or "part number" means an alphanumeric code assigned by the manufacturer to uniquely identify a game as required by the commissioner of revenue.
"Fund-raising costs" means the total general fund expenses incurred in soliciting gifts, grants, and other contributions and includes but is not limited to expenses for:
For purposes of this definition, fund-raising costs does not include lawful gambling allowable expenses.
"Gambling bank account" means all the accounts maintained by an organization at any banks, savings and loan institutions, or credit unions located within Minnesota in which the organization deposits all gambling receipts and over which the organization has any control, including checking and savings accounts, certificates of deposit, and trust and escrow accounts.
"Gambling volunteer" means an individual not compensated by an organization but who performs activities in the conduct of that organization's lawful gambling.
"Handheld, portable electronic device" means an electronic device used for the conduct of linked bingo or electronic pull-tab games, or both, that is powered by an integrated battery source without cable connection to a power source or any other device while in use by a player.
"Immediate family" means spouse, children, parents, and siblings.
"Jar ticket" means a single pull-tab ticket that is folded and banded or is a grouping of folded and banded tickets.
"Leased premises" means a building or place of business, or a portion of it, that is not owned by a licensed organization and is leased by the organization only for the conduct of lawful gambling.
If bingo and other forms of lawful gambling are conducted during a bingo occasion on a leased premises and the rent amount is based on the square footage of the leased premises, the "leased bingo premises" includes:
Other areas not used exclusively by bingo players or the organization's gambling employees are not included in leased bingo premises. Measurements of leased areas are taken from internal wall to internal wall.
"Limiting bingo number count" means a bingo game in which a bingo player must complete an announced bingo pattern within a predetermined quantity of called bingo numbers. All limiting bingo number counts must be prominently displayed before the start of the bingo occasion. If not completed within the count, the game continues until a consolation winner is determined and a consolation prize awarded.
"Linked bingo equipment" means the equipment used in the conduct of a linked bingo game, including linked bingo paper sheets, electronic bingo devices, and facsimiles of linked bingo paper sheets.
"Local server" means a computer server, located at the physical location where lawful gambling activity will occur, that stores the game application software and which stores and communicates all game play information and accounting and inventory data records to a central server, to which a licensed distributor or linked bingo game provider has access.
"Management and general costs" means the total general fund expenses incurred for the function and management of the organization and includes but is not limited to expenses for:
For purposes of this definition, management and general costs does not include general fund expenses for the direct conduct of fund-raising activities or program services, and does not include lawful gambling allowable expenses.
"Manufacturers seal" means the sticker placed by the manufacturer on the outside of the box or container of pull-tabs, tipboards, raffle boards, or bingo boards but inside the shrink-wrap, ensuring that the game has not been opened or tampered with before delivery to the organization.
"Merchandise prize" means a prize other than cash awarded to a winner or winners of a bingo game, pull-tab game, tipboard game, paddlewheel game conducted without a paddlewheel table, or raffle.
"Multiple chance game" means a pull-tab game in which qualifying winning tickets provide an option to the player to forfeit the qualifying winning ticket in exchange for a chance ticket in the chance ticket display that provides a chance to win a prize of lesser, equal, or greater value than the originally purchased ticket.
"Multiple seal game" means a pull-tab or tipboard game in which select tickets are redeemed by players for a prize amount under a seal number matching the pull-tab ticket presented by the player or under a seal as determined by the player.
"Net receipts" are gross receipts less prizes awarded.
"Operating system software" means nongambling software that communicates with the computer hardware to manage computer hardware resources and allows all applications, including gaming applications, to run.
"Other nonprofit organization" means one of the following:
"Paddlewheel table" is a table described in part 7864.0230 and used in the game of paddlewheels under part 7861.0300.
"Point of sale" is the place where customers purchase chances for participation in a lawful gambling game.
"Point of sale system" is a computerized checkout or cash register system that meets the standards in part 7861.0280, subpart 9.
"Professional sporting event" means an officially scheduled game between two teams that are members of the following leagues: National Football League (NFL), National Basketball Association (NBA), Womens National Basketball Association (WNBA), National Hockey League (NHL), Major League Soccer (MLS), and Major League Baseball (MLB).
"Progressive bingo game" is a game in which the established prize levels increase from one game or occasion to the next up to a predetermined amount if the required pattern is not completed within the specified number of bingo numbers selected and called during the previous game or occasion.
"Progressive pull-tab or tipboard game" is a pull-tab or tipboard game that has a portion of its predetermined prize payout designated to one progressive jackpot prize. The jackpot prize increases from one deal to the next until the jackpot prize is won or the predetermined jackpot amount printed on the flare by the manufacturer is reached.
"Promotional pull-tab or tipboard ticket" means a pull-tab or tipboard ticket for which no purchase or consideration is required. The only prizes available to be won are discounts on goods and services available at the site where the game is played. Cash prizes are not permitted with promotional pull-tab or tipboard games.
"Raffle board" means a board containing spaces, each of which serves as a certificate of participation for a player purchasing a chance in the raffle.
"Random number generator" means a device that has an automated method of selecting game symbols or producing game outcomes based on a preset number of chances available for random selection.
"Real time" means no more than a five-second span of time in which an electronic game transaction is initiated and when the data is sent to and received by the electronic game systems central server and accessible to the board and other authorized state representatives.
"Religious organization" means a nonprofit organization, church, body of communicants, or group gathered in common membership for mutual support and edification in piety, worship, and religious observances.
"Reporting portal" means a manufacturer-provided, web-based, read-only secure reporting system that maintains board-prescribed data for electronic games.
"Seal card" means a board or placard used in conjunction with a deal of pull-tabs or tipboards and contains a seal or seals that when opened or uncovered reveal predesignated winning numbers, letters, or symbols.
"Sealed bingo paper sheet" means a manufacturer-sealed bingo paper sheet constructed so that the bingo face is sealed in a manner that prevents revealing any part of the bingo face before the seal is opened by a bingo player. Sealed bingo paper sheet also includes facsimiles used with an electronic bingo device.
"Secured data transmission" means a method of data transmission employing encryption conforming to Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) specifications as defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to protect the data from unauthorized access or tampering.
"Shrink-wrap" means a clear form-fitting plastic wrapping applied to a box or container of pull-tabs or tipboards by a licensed manufacturer.
"Software" means electronic game software and those computer programs provided by a licensed manufacturer or licensed linked bingo game provider in the production, play, and reporting of board-approved electronic pull-tab games or electronic bingo games.
"Sports-themed tipboard grid" or "grid" means a table of grid squares on a sports-themed tipboard for printing a players name, for placement of tickets, or for location of a tickets square on the grid.
"Sports-themed tipboard grid square" or "grid square" means a space for a players printed name on a sports-themed tipboard grid that corresponds to a number or set of numbers on the vertical axis and a number or set of numbers on the horizontal axis.
"Start of an event" means the first action taken to begin a professional sporting event such as a kickoff, first pitch, tip-off, or puck drop.
"State registration stamp" means the stamp required by part 7863.0220, subpart 3, and Minnesota Statutes, section 349.162, subdivision 1, and attached to a bingo number selection device, pull-tab dispensing device, paddlewheel, or paddlewheel table.
"Straight line" means an unbroken line that does not change direction. A straight line connects two or more symbols to make up a winning symbol combination.
"Total value of credits purchased" means the value of electronic game credits purchased by the player from the seller.
"Total value of credits redeemed" means the value of credits on an electronic game device when it is returned to the seller to cash out.
"Unredeemed credits" means the value of credits available for play on an electronic pull-tab or electronic linked bingo device.
"Veterans organization" means any congressionally chartered organization within Minnesota, or any branch, lodge, or chapter of a nonprofit national or state organization within Minnesota, with a membership consisting of persons who were members of the armed services or forces of the United States.
"Winning symbol combination" means a predefined set of consecutive symbols on a ticket that results in a prize or bonus play. A winning symbol combination must only be:
Minn. R. agency 177, ch. 7861, pt. 7861.0210
Statutory Authority: MS s 14.055; 349.12; 349.151; 349.154; 349.155; 349.16; 349.162; 349.163; 349.1635; 349.165; 349.166; 349.167; 349.169; 349.17; 349.1711; 349.1721; 349.173; 349.19; 349.191; 349.211