Minn. R. agency 175, ch. 8810, UTILITIES EQUIPMENT, pt. 8810.3300

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 29, 2025
Part 8810.3300 - PERMITS
Subpart 1.Construction.

Except as otherwise permitted, utility construction and relocation on trunk highway right-of-way shall not be commenced until an application for a permit for construction has been made and such permit granted. The permit for construction sketch shall show the location of the proposed utility with reference to pertinent features such as the right-of-way lines, curb lines, trunk highway center line, etc. A copy of the sketch shall be provided for each copy of such permit. Prints of trunk highway right-of-way maps are available upon request from the Road Plans Information Office, Department of Transportation Building, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155.

Subp. 2.Maintenance.

The utility shall obtain a work permit from the office of the assistant district engineer, maintenance, prior to performing service and maintenance operations on the interstate highways and shall also obtain a work permit prior to performing service and maintenance operations on the noninterstate highways when such operations require opening and disturbing the surface of the right-of-way thereof. In all other instances the utility shall notify the office of the assistant district engineer, maintenance, prior to performing service and maintenance operations on the noninterstate highways which interfere with the normal flow of traffic thereon. However, the company may perform service and maintenance operations on the trunk highways including opening and disturbing the surface of the right-of-way without a work permit in those instances where an emergency exists that is dangerous to the life or safety of the public and which requires immediate repair. The utility upon knowledge of such an emergency shall immediately notify the State Patrol Division. The utility shall take all necessary and reasonable safety measures to protect the traveling public and shall cooperate fully with the State Patrol Division to that end. The utility in such an event will request a work permit from the office of the assistant district engineer, maintenance, not later than the second working day thereafter when a work permit would ordinarily have been required but for the emergency.

Subp. 3.Orders to make improvements.

If at any time the state of Minnesota, acting through its commissioner of transportation, shall deem it necessary to make any improvements or changes on all or any part of the right-of-way of the trunk highway which affect a utility located on trunk highway right-of-way, then and in such event, the owner of the utility shall within 15 days after written notice from the commissioner of transportation or an authorized agent, proceed to alter, change, vacate, or remove said utility from the trunk highway right-of-way so as to conform to said trunk highway changes and as directed by the commissioner of transportation. Such work shall be done without any cost whatsoever to the state of Minnesota except as otherwise provided by law or agreement and shall be completed within the date specified in said written notice, which date shall be reasonable under the circumstances. The utility shall assume all liability and save the state of Minnesota harmless from any and all claims of damage of any nature whatsoever occasioned by reason of not having removed said utility within the time specified in said notice. Notwithstanding the provisions of parts 8810.3100 to 8810.3600, the state may reimburse a municipality for the cost of the first relocation of a municipally owned utility located within the limits of a municipal street at the time that the street was taken over by the state as a trunk highway, when such relocation is required by construction or reconstruction of the trunk highway.

Subp. 4.Along interstate highways.

Utilities along the interstate highways shall be located outside the control-of-access lines except as outlined below. Where the control-of-access lines coincide with the right-of-way lines, the utilities shall generally be located on private property. Where the control-of-access lines and right-of-way lines do not coincide, utilities may in general be located in the area between them. All utilities shall be serviced and maintained without access from the ramps, loops, and through traffic roadbeds. Utilities may be serviced from frontage roads and roads other than another interstate highway which cross either over or under the interstate highway. At aerial crossings of an interstate highway, supporting poles may be located on interstate highway right-of-way if they are a minimum of 30 feet beyond the shoulders of all through traffic roadbeds; however, in no event shall they be located in a median unless its width is 80 feet or more. Manholes and other points of access to underground crossings may be permitted on the interstate highway right-of-way only when located outside the shoulders of the through traffic roadbeds, loops, or ramps. The restrictions of this subpart shall not apply to utility lines which service facilities required for operating the interstate highway.

There may be extreme cases where, under strictly controlled conditions, a utility may be permitted inside the control-of-access lines along an interstate highway. In each case there must be a showing that any other utility location is extremely difficult and unreasonably costly to the utility consumer, that the installation on the right-of-way of the interstate highway will not adversely affect the design, construction, stability, traffic safety, or operation of the interstate highway and that the utility can be serviced without access from through traffic roadbeds, loops, or ramps.

Subp. 5.Deposit, bond, or undertaking.

The commissioner of transportation may require the utility, or its contractor, to furnish a deposit in the form of a certified check, a surety bond or corporate undertaking in favor of the state of Minnesota, commissioner of transportation, for any expense incurred by the state in the repairing of damage to any portion of the trunk highway right-of-way caused by work performed under a work permit or a permit for construction, including any out of the ordinary engineering supervision and inspection expense provided by the state. In those instances wherein a deposit is required, the amount of the deposit shall be specified in the special provisions of the permit. If a check is furnished, any moneys remaining over and above such expense shall be returned to the applicant.

Subp. 6.Liability.

Except for the negligent acts of the state, its agents, and employees, the utility shall assume all liability for, and save the state, its agents and employees, harmless from, any and all claims for damages, actions, or causes of action arising out of the work to be done herein and the continuing uses by the utility, including but not limited to the placing, constructing, reconstructing, maintaining, and using of said utility under this application and permit for construction.

Subp. 7.No easement.

The work permit or permit for construction as issued does not in any way imply an easement on private property.

Minn. R. agency 175, ch. 8810, UTILITIES EQUIPMENT, pt. 8810.3300

17 SR 1279

Statutory Authority: MS s 161.45