Minn. R. agency 171, ch. 7520, COMPENSATION PLAN, pt. 7520.0600
In accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, the governor, through the commissioner of public safety, shall formally adopt and make effective a comprehensive compensation plan including minimum and maximum salary rates as published in parts 7520.1000 and 7520.1100, and recommended intervening steps as published in the public safety merit system manual, as amended through May 29, 1982, for all classes of positions. The plan shall apply to all agencies covered by the merit system, except as otherwise negotiated for employees in a bargaining unit in agencies where there is an exclusive representative or in those instances where the requirements of part 7520.0650, subpart 2, item C have been satisfied. The plan shall include salary ranges for the various classes, with the salary of each class consistent with the duties and responsibilities outlined in the class specifications. Minimum, intervening, and maximum rates of pay for each class shall be established to provide for salary advancement without change of duty, in recognition of meritorious service. The advice and suggestions of appointing authorities, prevailing salary rates for similar and competing types of employment in business and government, and other relevant factors shall be taken into consideration in developing the ranges. Equitable compensation relationships must be established between female-dominated, male-dominated, and balanced classes of employees in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, sections 471.991 to 471.999. Classes must be evaluated in order to determine comparable work value and to establish equitable compensation relationships between classes of positions.
The proposed compensation plan, and any amendments thereto, shall be submitted to the council for review and recommendation. Upon review and recommendation and after compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 14, the governor, through the commissioner, shall formally adopt the compensation plan which shall be the official salary schedule of the Minnesota Merit System, effective the date specified.
The comprehensive compensation plan adopted by the commissioner shall provide for a single salary schedule for each occupational grouping of classes including professional and clerical classes. The plan shall be established as provided in subpart l with minimum and maximum salaries for each class as provided in parts 7520.1000 and 7520.1100. The plan shall be the official plan for all appointing authorities until amended.
Minn. R. agency 171, ch. 7520, COMPENSATION PLAN, pt. 7520.0600
Statutory Authority: MS s 12.22