Minn. R. agency 171, ch. 7515, pt. 7515.0100
The terms used in this chapter have the meanings provided in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 340A, except for the following terms.
"Age," as it applies to distilled spirits, means the period during which, after distillations and before bottling, distilled spirits have been kept in new or used oak containers, as provided for by federal regulations.
"Beer" as defined in Code of Federal Regulations and parts 7515.1000 to 7515.1120 means malt beverages or malt liquors.
"Brand label" means the label affixed to the container displaying in distinctive design the brand name of distilled spirits, wines, or malt beverages. See Minnesota Statutes, section 340A.311, and parts 7515.0800 to 7515.0870.
"Container" and "original container" have the following meanings depending upon the context in which used:
"Importer" means any distiller, rectifier, winer, wholesaler, or person within or without the state licensed to ship distilled spirits, wine, or ethyl alcohol to Minnesota manufacturers and wholesalers.
"Licensee," depending on the context, may mean any person who has been issued a license by the state or any of its subdivisions pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, chapter 340A, to manufacture, wholesale, or sell at retail alcoholic beverages or to engage in the business of brewer, wholesaler, or retail seller of malt beverages.
"Office" or "this office" means the office of the Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division.
"Place of business" includes any public business establishment or private club where alcoholic beverages or soft drinks are sold, or which permits the display and consumption of alcoholic beverages, as provided for in Minnesota Statutes, section 340A.414.
Minn. R. agency 171, ch. 7515, pt. 7515.0100
Statutory Authority: MS s 14.06; 299A.02; 340.507