Minn. R. agency 171, ch. 7514, pt. 7514.0100

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 29, 2025
Part 7514.0100 - DEFINITIONS
Subpart 1.Scope.

The terms used in this chapter have the meanings given them in this part.

Subp. 2.Activated by the state.

"Activated by the state" means dispatched via the Minnesota duty officer system for purposes of emergency response or authorized in writing by the commissioner in advance of training exercises.

Subp. 3.Chemical assessment team.

"Chemical assessment team" has the meaning given it in Minnesota Statutes, section 299A.49, subdivision 2.

Subp. 4.Commissioner.

"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety acting directly or through an authorized agent.

Subp. 5.Deployment time.

"Deployment time" means the period of time beginning when the decision is made to dispatch a team and ending at the time the complete team begins its response to the scene of the incident.

Subp. 6.Emergency response team.

"Emergency response team" means a regional hazardous materials response team, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 299A.49, subdivision 7.

Subp. 7.Employer.

"Employer" has the meaning given it in Minnesota Statutes, section 182.651, subdivision 7.

Subp. 8.Facility.

Facility" has the meaning given it in Minnesota Statutes, section 115E.01.

Subp. 9.Local authority.

"Local authority" means the local unit of government's public safety agency in overall command at the scene of a hazardous materials incident.

Subp. 10.Minnesota duty officer system.

"Minnesota duty officer system" means the single answering point system established under Minnesota Statutes, section 115E.09.

Subp. 11.Minnesota emergency operations plan.

"Minnesota emergency operations plan" means the document that guides state agencies in their response to emergencies and disasters, in accordance with their general responsibilities as assigned in Governor's Executive Order 93-27, and any subsequent revisions to that order.

Subp. 12.Minnesota incident management system.

"Minnesota incident management system" means a combination of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications operating within a common organizational structure with responsibility for management of assigned resources to effectively accomplish stated objectives at the scene of an incident.

Subp. 13.Mitigation.

"Mitigation" means those actions necessary to alleviate the immediate threat from a hazardous materials release.

Subp. 14.Operations authorized by the state.

"Operations authorized by the state" means activities listed in this chapter and the "Minnesota Hazardous Materials Incident Response Act," Minnesota Statutes, sections 299A.48 to 299A.52, and suggested operating guidelines, including authorized training exercises when a team is operating outside its geographic jurisdiction.

Subp. 15.Primary response area.

"Primary response area" means the geographic portion of the state to which a team has been assigned to provide the principal response to an incident.

Subp. 16.Regional response team program.

"Regional response team program" means the system of regionally located hazardous materials emergency response teams and hazardous materials chemical assessment teams.

Subp. 17.Regional team.

"Regional team" means an emergency response team or chemical assessment team that is part of the regional response team program as defined in subpart 16.

Subp. 18.Response area.

"Response area" means primary or secondary response area as defined in subpart 15 or 21.

Subp. 19.Response time.

"Response time" means the period of time beginning when the decision is made to dispatch a team and ending when the complete team arrives at the scene of the incident.

Subp. 20.Responsible person.

"Responsible person" has the meaning given it in Minnesota Statutes, section 299A.52, subdivision 1.

Subp. 21.Secondary response area.

"Secondary response area" means the geographic portion of the state to which a team has been assigned to provide the alternate response to an incident.

Subp. 22.Suggested operating guidelines.

"Suggested operating guidelines" means the written guidance covering those aspects of an emergency response that lend themselves to a general direction, yet require flexibility in their application so as to meet the unique circumstances of each individual emergency.

Minn. R. agency 171, ch. 7514, pt. 7514.0100

19 SR 450

Statutory Authority: MS s 299A.50