Part 7414.1490 - GRANTING WAIVER FOR DIABETES MELLITUS A waiver that is granted to the applicant who fails to meet the physical requirement in Code of Federal Regulations, title 49, section 391.41, paragraph (b)(3), relating to diabetes mellitus currently requiring insulin for control, must require the applicant to:
A. carry, use, and record in a log the readings from a portable, self-monitoring blood glucose device equipped with a computerized memory or, if the device is capable of printing paper tape reports, the paper tape reports may be used instead of a log;B. monitor blood glucose one hour before going on duty and approximately every four hours while on duty;C. make log records or tapes available to any authorized enforcement official on request;D. carry and use when on duty a source of rapidly absorbable glucose;E. carry insulin and the equipment of materials necessary to administer this medication;F. report in writing within 15 calendar days to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Driver and Vehicle Services Division:(1) any citation for a moving traffic violation involving the operation of a school bus along with a photocopy of the citation;(2) the judicial or administrative disposition of a citation for a moving violation involving a school bus along with a photocopy of the notice of disposition; and(3) the involvement in any accident whatever while operating a school bus and include any state, insurance company, or motor carrier accident reports and any attending physician's and laboratory reports of treatment arising from the accident;G. submit a signed statement from an ophthalmologist no later than 15 days before the renewal date of the waiver and endorsement that indicates the applicant: (1) was examined within the six-week period immediately preceding the renewal date of the waiver;(2) was found not to have unstable proliferative diabetic retinopathy; and(3) has a stable visual acuity of at least 20/40 Snellen in each eye, corrected or uncorrected; andH. comply with the provisions of part 7410.2610 for reporting a diabetes-related episode involving the loss of consciousness or voluntary control due to hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.Minn. R. agency 171, ch. 7414, WAIVERS OF PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS, pt. 7414.1490
Statutory Authority: MS s 14.06; 171.321; 299A.01