No accident prevention course is approved for purposes of an automobile insurance premium reduction if the course provider does not have a certificate of approval issued by the commissioner under part 7411.7500, subpart 1.
The operation of each accident prevention program, including course content, methods of instruction, and general conduct of the course, is the responsibility of the designated course administrator.
The course of study may not be less than a total of eight hours, with no more than four hours of instruction required in a 24-hour period.
The curriculum of the course must include periods of instruction in the following subject areas:
Each administrator or an instructor designated by the administrator shall attend any workshop set up by the sponsor to develop curricula, to share ideas, or to discuss methods of improvement of the course of instruction.
The administrator of each accident prevention course shall keep attendance records and shall report to the sponsor whether each individual enrolled has satisfactorily completed or failed to complete the course.
The administrator shall issue a certificate of completion to each person who satisfactorily completes the accident prevention course.
Minn. R. agency 171, ch. 7411, ACCIDENT PREVENTION COURSES, pt. 7411.7600
Statutory Authority: MS s 65B.28