Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 9220, WASTE TIRE FACILITY STANDARDS, pt. 9220.0480
This part sets out the standards that apply to the operation of a permitted waste tire storage facility in addition to the general standards in part 9220.0450. A waste tire facility that cannot qualify for regulation as a waste tire transfer facility or as a waste tire processing facility must comply with the standards in this part.
Waste tire storage facilities must comply with the emergency preparedness standards for waste tire processing facilities in part 9220.0470, subparts 3 to 6.
No waste tire storage facility shall store more than 500,000 passenger car tires or the equivalent weight of other waste tires or tire-derived products at any time.
In addition to the information required to be submitted in the annual report required under the general facility standards of part 9220.0450, subpart 4, the operator of the waste tire storage facility shall submit information on the procedures used at the facility to minimize or prevent mosquito breeding and rodent infestation, including the dates when mosquito or rodent control operations were conducted.
If pyrolytic oil is released at the waste tire facility, the permittee shall remove contaminated soil in accordance with any applicable rules governing the removal, transportation, and disposal of the material.
Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 9220, WASTE TIRE FACILITY STANDARDS, pt. 9220.0480
Statutory Authority: MS s 115A.914