Part 7049.0980 - SUBSTANTIAL MODIFICATIONS DEFINED Substantial modifications include:
A. modifications that relax POTW legal authorities, as described in part 7049.0820, except for modifications that directly reflect a revision to this chapter and are reported pursuant to part 7049.1000;B. modifications that relax local limits, except for the modifications to local limits for pH and reallocations of the maximum allowable industrial loading of a pollutant that do not increase the total industrial loadings for the pollutant, which are reported pursuant to part 7049.1000. "Maximum allowable industrial loading" means the total mass of a pollutant that all industrial users of a POTW, or a subgroup of industrial users identified by the POTW authority, may discharge pursuant to limits developed under part 7049.0850;C. changes to the POTW's control mechanism, as described in part 7049.0890;D. a decrease in the frequency of self-monitoring or reporting required of industrial users;E. a decrease in the frequency of industrial user inspections or sampling by the POTW;F. changes to the POTW's confidentiality procedures; andG. other modifications designated as substantial modifications by the agency on the basis that the modification could: (1) have a significant impact on the operation of the POTW's pretreatment program;(2) result in an increase in pollutant loadings at the POTW; or(3) result in less stringent requirements being imposed on industrial users of the POTW.Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 7049, pt. 7049.0980
Statutory Authority: MS s 115.03