Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 7035, INFECTIOUS WASTE, pt. 7035.9130

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 29, 2025
Part 7035.9130 - MANAGEMENT PLAN

Each facility owner or operator and commercial transporter must develop and submit to the commissioner for approval a management plan that meets the requirements of this part. A copy of the management plan must also be submitted to the county solid waste officer. The management plan must be updated and resubmitted at least once every two years to the commissioner and to the county solid waste officer. A current copy of the management plan must be maintained onsite. For the management plan to be approved, all information in the management plan must be consistent with the requirements established in part 7035.9120 and must include the information required in Minnesota Statutes, section 116.79, and in items A to L. Storage facility owners and operators must submit the additional information required in item M.

A. The name and title of the individual responsible for the implementation of the management plan.
B. A description of packaging and identification labels used for the packaging and offsite transport of infectious or pathological waste as specified in part 7035.9120, subpart 1.
C. Spill response plan, including personal protection, cleanup, and repackaging, as specified in part 7035.9120, subpart 6.
D. Staff training and continuing education plan for employees who handle infectious or pathological wastes.
E. For facilities that decontaminate infectious waste, a contingency plan that identifies alternative management methods that will be used during shutdown.
F. The length of time that waste will be stored at a storage facility.
G. The method of receiving waste to ensure that infectious or pathological waste is handled separately from other waste until decontamination is completed and to prevent unauthorized persons from having access to or contact with the waste.
H. The method of unloading and processing infectious or pathological waste that limits the number of employees handling the waste and minimizes the possibility of exposure of employees.
I. The method of disinfecting emptied reusable containers, surface areas of transport vehicles, and facility equipment that has been in contact with infectious waste.
J. The methods used to store and transport infectious or pathological waste in a manner that prevents putrefaction.
K. The weight or number and size of containers of infectious waste and sharps to be stored, transported, decontaminated, or disposed of at an approved facility; storage and decontamination facility owners and operators must list the quantities of infectious waste and sharps managed that were generated both in and outside of Minnesota; commercial transporters must list quantities only for the transport of infectious waste and sharps that were generated in Minnesota.
L. A list containing the name, location, and contact persons of the decontamination, storage, or disposal facilities that will be used.
M. An estimate of all costs that will be incurred after the storage facility ceases to accept infectious wastes. The estimate must include a unit cost for final disposal that is based on material weight, the name of the waste treatment or disposal facility to be used and a schedule of its rates, and unit-based transport costs from the storage facility to the waste treatment or disposal facility.

Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 7035, INFECTIOUS WASTE, pt. 7035.9130

15 SR 836

Statutory Authority: MS s 116.75