Subpart 1.Scope.This part applies to all industrial solid waste land disposal facilities.
Subp. 2.Duty to close the facility.The person or persons, as defined in part 7035.0300, having the responsibility for the operation of the facility must accomplish the closure of the facility.
Subp. 3.Closure procedure.The closure of the facility must include the following procedures:
A. Close access to the facility and prohibit waste disposal.C. Provide measures to protect ground water and surface water.D. Divert surface water drainage around and away from the disposal area.E. Compact the waste and cover with a minimum of two feet of compacted earth material.F. Establish and maintain final grade to promote surface water runoff without excessive erosion. Seed to provide suitable vegetation.G. Record a detailed description, including a plat, with the county recorder. The description must include general types and location of wastes, depth of fill, and other information of interest to potential land owners.H. An authorized official must properly complete the disposal site closure record and submit it to the agency.Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 7035, INDUSTRIAL SOLID WASTE LAND DISPOSAL FACILITIES, pt. 7035.2500
Statutory Authority: MS s 115.03; 116.07