Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 7035, INDUSTRIAL SOLID WASTE LAND DISPOSAL FACILITIES, pt. 7035.1800

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 29, 2025

Plans, including a permit application, report, and drawings must be prepared by a registered engineer of Minnesota. Four complete sets of the plans shall be submitted to the agency. The submitted plans must include the following:

A. A completed permit application form.
B. An engineering report including:
(1) General information;
(2) Site analysis including consideration of each item in part 7035.1600 along with data and supplementary reports, including soil boring data and a hydrogeologic study. Attention to this requirement must include consideration of surface features, underground formations, soil boring data from soil borings of which at least one is to a minimum depth of 50 feet below proposed excavation and lowest elevation of the facility, water table profile, direction of ground water flow, initial quality of water resources in the potential zone of influence of the facility, use of water resources in the potential zone of influence of the facility, need and availability of cover material, and existing refuse deposits. Also considered must be climate, average rates of precipitation based on average monthly rates from records of rain gauge stations, evapotranspiration, runoff, and infiltration;
(3) Proposed operating procedures including consideration of each item in part 7035.1700;
(4) Equipment to be used for operation of the facility.
C. Drawings, folded to 8-1/2 inch by 11 inch size, including:
(1) An existing conditions plan of the area showing land use and zoning within one-fourth mile of the proposed facility boundary. The plan must show all buildings, lakes, ponds, watercourses, wetlands, sinkholes, rock outcroppings, roads, public parks, and other applicable details and shall indicate the general topography with contours and drainage patterns. An on-site bench mark must be indicated and a north arrow drawn. A location insert map and a U.S.G.S. topographic map of the area must be included. The scale of the existing conditions plan must not be greater than 300 feet per inch;
(2) A development plan of the site and immediately adjacent area showing dimensions, contours, at contour intervals of two feet or less, soil boring locations with surface elevations and present and planned pertinent features, including but not limited to roads, screening, buffer zone, fencing, gate, shelter and equipment buildings, surface water diversion and drainage, and water monitoring system. The development plan must show progressive development of trench and/or area fills and any phase construction. The scale of the development plan must not be greater than 200 feet per inch.

The development plan must include consideration of the ultimate land use, for example, preplanned building islands, not to be used for a disposal area;

(3) Cross sections plan including a minimum of two cross sections of each phase, perpendicular to one another, showing existing grade, excavation grade, final grade, any additional ground water protection, high water table profile and profile of a separation line five feet above, profile and identity of soils, and profile and identity of underlying geology;
(4) An ultimate land use plan showing the land use after the site is completed, final contours, at contour intervals of two feet or less, and surface water drainage. Consideration must be given in the design of an ultimate land use plan to gas control, erosion, and differential settlements. The scale of the ultimate land use plan must not be greater than 200 feet per inch.

Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 7035, INDUSTRIAL SOLID WASTE LAND DISPOSAL FACILITIES, pt. 7035.1800

13 SR 1150

Statutory Authority: MS s 115.03; 116.07