Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 7000, CONTESTED CASE HEARINGS, pt. 7000.1750
All contested case hearings required by statute or rule and all contested case hearings ordered by the board or commissioner shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures set forth in the rules of the Office of Administrative Hearings, parts 1400.5200 to 1400.8401, and in accordance with this part. No person's rights, privileges, or duties may be determined without regard for fundamental fairness. To that end, parts 7000.1750 to 7000.2200 are intended to assure that all parties are provided a just and speedy contested case hearing.
For the purpose of this part, "party" means each person named as a party by the board or commissioner in the notice of and order for hearing pursuant to part 1400.5100, subpart 7, or persons granted permission to intervene pursuant to part 1400.6200. The board or commissioner is a party pursuant to part 1400.5100, subpart 7. When a contested case hearing is held pursuant to a petition for a hearing, the persons petitioning for the hearing are parties to the matter. In any hearing on an application for a permit or variance, the applicant is a party. The deputy commissioner is a party in any hearing ordered by the agency. The board may designate any person whose legal rights are affected as a party.
The board or commissioner may consolidate two or more matters for which contested case hearings are scheduled and hold a joint hearing if no party objects to the consolidation.
Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 7000, CONTESTED CASE HEARINGS, pt. 7000.1750
Statutory Authority: MS s 14.06; 116.07