Minn. R. agency 162, ch. 6600, pt. 6600.0500
The secretary of the Board of Pardons shall prescreen all applications. Applications for pardon or commutation deemed undeserving by the secretary for further review by the board shall not be included on the ensuing calendar. The secretary shall inform the applicant why the matter was not placed on the calendar. Grounds justifying exclusion may include but are not limited to: failure to exhaust all judicial remedies; solely an appeal from a negative decision by the parole board; preferably a matter for (initial) consideration by the parole board; premature in light of recent violation of parole; unwarranted appeal from previous action by the pardon board because no new and substantial evidence is presented.
Minn. R. agency 162, ch. 6600, pt. 6600.0500
Statutory Authority: MS s 14.06; 638.02