The provisions of this part apply to the following described Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary waters:
The terms used in parts 6266.0500 and 6266.0600 have the meanings given in this subpart.
To the extent that chapter 6264 is inconsistent with this part, the provisions of chapter 6264 apply. Lake sturgeon are designated under part 6264.0400, subpart 90. Except as provided in chapter 6264, the following applies to the species, seasons, and limits for taking fish on Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary waters:
Species and Open Season | Daily and Possession Limits | ||
A. | Smallmouth and largemouth bass | ||
(1) | St. Louis River. Saturday preceding Memorial Day through March 1. | 5 in aggregate; 14-inch minimum size limit. | |
(2) | St. Croix River upstream of the dam at Taylors Falls. | ||
Saturday preceding Memorial Day through the Sunday preceding the second Monday in September. | 5 in aggregate; 14-inch minimum size limit. | ||
Second Monday in September through March 1. | Limited to catch and release only. Any smallmouth or largemouth bass must be immediately returned to the water. It is unlawful for anyone to have in possession, regardless of where taken, any smallmouth or largemouth bass. | ||
(3) | St. Croix River downstream of the dam at Taylors Falls to its mouth (U.S. Highway 10 bridge at Prescott, Wisconsin). Saturday preceding Memorial Day through March 1. | 5 in aggregate; 14-inch minimum size limit. | |
(4) | Mississippi River and Lake Pepin. Continuous. | 5 in aggregate; 14-inch minimum size limit. | |
B. | Walleye and sauger | ||
(1) | St. Louis River. Saturday two weeks before the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through March 1. | 2 in aggregate; 15-inch minimum size limit for walleye. | |
(2) | St. Croix River upstream of the dam at Taylors Falls. Saturday nearest May 1 through March 1. | 6 in aggregate; 15-inch minimum size limit for walleye. | |
(3) | St. Croix River downstream of the dam at Taylors Falls to the mouth of the St. Croix River (U.S. Highway 10 bridge at Prescott, Wisconsin). Saturday nearest May 1 through March 1. | 4 in aggregate; 15-inch minimum size limit for walleye and only 1 walleye or sauger over 20 inches in length may be in possession. | |
(4) | Mississippi River and Lake Pepin. Continuous. | 4 in aggregate; 15-inch minimum size limit for walleye and only 1 walleye or sauger over 20 inches in length may be in possession. | |
(5) | Mississippi River below Lock and Dam 8 (Genoa, Wisconsin) to the Iowa border. | 6 in aggregate; 15-inch minimum size limit for walleye. Only 1 walleye over 27 inches in length may be in possession. All walleye from 20 to 27 inches in length must be immediately returned to the water. | |
C. | Northern pike | ||
(1) | St. Louis River. The Saturday two weeks before the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through March 1. | 2 | |
(2) | St. Croix River upstream of the dam at Taylors Falls. Saturday nearest May 1 through March 1. | 5 | |
(3) | St. Croix River downstream of the dam at Taylors Falls to the mouth of the St. Croix River (U.S. Highway 10 bridge at Prescott, Wisconsin). Saturday nearest May 1 through March 1. | 3; only 1 northern pike over 30 inches in length may be in possession. | |
(4) | Mississippi River and Lake Pepin. Continuous. | 3; only 1 northern pike over 30 inches in length may be in possession. | |
D. | Channel and flathead catfish | ||
Channel catfish. Continuous. Flathead catfish. April 1 through November 30. | |||
(1) | St. Louis River and St. Croix River above the dam at Taylors Falls. | 10 in aggregate. | |
(2) | St. Croix River downstream of the dam at Taylors Falls to the upstream side of the U.S. Highway 10 bridge at Prescott, Wisconsin. | 5 channel catfish; only 1 over 24 inches in possession. 2 flathead catfish; only 1 over 24 inches in possession. | |
(3) | Mississippi River and Lake Pepin. | 10 in aggregate; only 1 catfish over 30 inches in length may be in possession. | |
E. | Lake sturgeon | ||
(1) | St. Louis River and all waters of the Mississippi River below the Red Wing Dam. June 16 through April 14 for catch and release only. Closed April 15 through June 15. When the closing date of a season falls on a Saturday, the season does not extend through the following Sunday. | ||
(2) | All waters of the Mississippi and St. Croix Rivers above Red Wing Dam. June 16 through March 1 catch and release only. Closed March 2 through June 15. When the closing date of a season falls on a Saturday, the season does not extend through the following Sunday. | ||
F. | Shovelnose sturgeon | ||
(1) All waters of the Mississippi River below Red Wing Dam. Continuous. (2) All waters of the Mississippi, St. Croix, and St. Louis Rivers above Red Wing Dam. June 16 through March 1 for catch and release only. Closed March 2 through June 15. When the closing date of a season falls on a Saturday, the season does not extend through the following Sunday. | 3 | ||
G. | Crappie Continuous. | ||
(1) | St. Louis River and St. Croix River above the dam at Taylors Falls. | 25 | |
(2) | St. Croix River downstream of the dam at Taylors Falls, Mississippi River, and Lake Pepin. | 15 | |
H. | Rock bass. Continuous. | 25 | |
I. | Sunfish Continuous. | ||
(1) | St. Louis River and St. Croix River above the dam at Taylors Falls. | 25 in aggregate. | |
(2) | St. Croix River downstream of the dam at Taylors Falls, Mississippi River, and Lake Pepin. | 15 in aggregate. | |
J. | Yellow perch Continuous. | ||
(1) | St. Louis River and St. Croix River above the dam at Taylors Falls. | 25 | |
(2) | St. Croix River downstream of the dam at Taylors Falls, Mississippi River, and Lake Pepin. | 15 | |
K. | Bullhead. Continuous. | No limits | |
L. | Paddlefish. No open season. | ||
M. | Rough fish, excluding all gar. Continuous. | No limits | |
N. | Muskellunge. Saturday nearest Memorial Day through November 30. | 1; 50-inch minimum size limit for muskellunge. | |
O. | White and yellow bass Continuous. | ||
(1) | St. Louis River and St. Croix River above the dam at Taylors Falls. | 25 in aggregate. | |
(2) | St. Croix River downstream of the dam at Taylors Falls, Mississippi River, and Lake Pepin. | 10 in aggregate. | |
P. | Longnose and shortnose gar | 10 in aggregate. | |
Q. | All other species | Governed by inland regulations of state in which taken. |
Except as provided under Minnesota Statutes, section 97C.315, subdivision 2, a person may not angle with more than two lines or one line with more than two baits on Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary waters. A person may not fish with an unattended line or take fish by snagging. A fish hooked in any part of the body, except the mouth, must immediately be unhooked and returned to the water.
A person may not buy, sell, or offer to buy or sell any fish taken on Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary waters by angling, except that rough fish may be bought and sold at any time.
A person may not fish from shore or boat within the area from the Taylors Falls (St. Croix Falls) dam on the St. Croix River to 50 feet downstream from the pier in the center of the river. A person may not fish from shore or boat within the area from the Taylors Falls (St. Croix Falls) dam on the St. Croix River to the upstream side of the U.S. Highway 8 bridge on the St. Croix River from March 2 through June 15. Closed areas must be marked with suitable signs or buoys designating the closed areas. A person may not fish in the St. Louis River from Fond du Lac Dam downstream approximately one-half mile to the Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary cable at any time. A person may not fish in the St. Louis River from the Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary cable downstream to the Highway 23 bridge from March 1 through May 18 each year.
Buildings, vehicles, tents, fish houses, or similar enclosures may be used on the ice for fishing purposes on Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary waters. All enclosures or shelters must be removed from the ice on or before March 1 of each year. Portable shelters may be used after March 1 by persons actively engaged in fishing, but must be removed daily when not in use. The door of an enclosure or shelter must be equipped with a latch that permits the door to be readily opened from the outside at all times while the enclosure or shelter is occupied.
No more than two tip-ups may be used for ice fishing on Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary waters. Tip-ups may not be more than 400 feet from the angler. A person may not use a spear, dip net, or bow and arrow in any manner at any time for the purpose of taking game fish or have in possession or under control any fish spear, spring gaff, or similar device in a fish house. Rough fish may be taken by means of a spear or dip net not to exceed 24 inches in diameter, from sunrise to sunset only, from the Saturday nearest May 1 through March 1. A person may not have in possession on the water or immediate banks of the water a spear, except during the open season for spearing.
The taking of minnows or other fish for bait purposes from all Minnesota waters of Lake Superior and all waters of the St. Louis River downstream of the Fond du Lac Dam in St. Louis and Carlton Counties, including any and all outflows, estuaries, streams, creeks, or waters adjacent to or flowing into these waters is prohibited.
Minn. R. agency 158, ch. 6266, pt. 6266.0500
Statutory Authority: MS s 14.388; 97A.045; 97A.401; 97C.001; 97C.005; 97C.045; 97C.395; 97C.401