Minn. R. agency 158, ch. 6237, pt. 6237.0400
Prairie chickens may be taken during the five-day period beginning on the Saturday nearest October 20.
Prairie chickens may be taken by shotgun or bow and arrow. A person may not take prairie chickens with a rifle or handgun.
A person may not take more than two prairie chickens per season or possess more than two prairie chickens.
Prairie chicken permit areas are open for the prairie chicken season as prescribed by the commissioner. Prairie chicken licenses are valid only in the prairie chicken permit area specified on the license.
The Clay County Game Refuge in Clay County is open for the taking of prairie chickens during open prairie chicken seasons in the zone in which it is located.
Minn. R. agency 158, ch. 6237, pt. 6237.0400
Statutory Authority: MS s 97B.711