Minn. R. agency 154, ch. 5615, pt. 5615.0100
For the purposes of parts 5615.0100 to 5615.1300, the terms defined in this part have the following meanings.
"Board" means the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice or any member or members thereof authorized by law to adjudicate contested cases.
"Contested case" means a proceeding before the board in which the legal rights, duties, or privileges of specific parties under the provisions of any statute granting jurisdiction to the board are required by law or constitutional right to be determined after a board hearing.
"Party" includes the board, the respondent, and any person, other than a member of the board in the member's official capacity, who has been permitted to appear in the proceeding.
"Respondent" means any person or professional corporation against whom an accusation or charge has been filed pursuant to any statute granting jurisdiction to the board, or any person or professional corporation which is subject to a dispute concerning any legal rights, duties, or privileges granted or conferred thereby.
Minn. R. agency 154, ch. 5615, pt. 5615.0100
Statutory Authority: : MS s 147.01