Minn. R. agency 152, ch. 5300, pt. 5300.0310
A license may be voluntarily terminated at any time upon written request by the licensee to the board, unless a complaint is pending against the licensee. If a complaint is pending against a licensee, a license may not be voluntarily terminated until any indicated action relative to the complaint is concluded. The board must receive the request to terminate before expiration of the license for failure to renew under part 5300.0290. The board retains jurisdiction over a former licensee for complaints received after termination regarding conduct that occurred while licensed. A licensee who has voluntarily terminated the license may be relicensed by complying with the requirements for reinstatement of an expired license in part 5300.0300.
Minn. R. agency 152, ch. 5300, pt. 5300.0310
Statutory Authority: MS s 148B.31; 148B.37; 214.06