Minn. R. agency 151, ch. 5208, pt. 5208.0030
Employee representatives on safety and health committees shall be selected by the employee's collective bargaining agent if one exists. If more than one union has the right to select employee representatives for a safety and health committee, they shall collectively select the employee representatives. It is not necessary that the committee contain enough employee representatives to enable each union to be represented on the committee. If there is no collective bargaining agent, the employee representatives shall be selected by their peers. In the absence of volunteers, the employer may select the employee representatives. The number of employee representatives on a safety and health committee shall equal or exceed the number of management representatives on the committee. Unless a collective bargaining agreement provides to the contrary, being a member of a safety and health committee is considered part of an employee's job, and time spent performing the duties of a safety and health committee member shall be considered as time worked.
Minn. R. agency 151, ch. 5208, pt. 5208.0030
Statutory Authority: MS s 182.655