Part 5200.0190 - EXECUTIVE TESTSSubpart 1.Executive test I.Executive test I:
A. receives at least $250 per week in salary;B. manages the enterprise by which the person is employed or a recognized department or subdivision thereof; andC. customarily directs the work of two or more other employees.Subp. 2.Executive test II.Executive test II:
A. receives at least $155 per week in salary;B. manages and supervises a department of at least two other full-time people (a full-time employee is defined as one who works at least 35 hours in a workweek);C. has authority to hire or fire or suggest changes in employees' status;D. regularly exercises discretionary powers; andE. either: (1) devotes less than 20 percent of time worked, or 40 percent in retail or service establishments, to nonexempt work;(2) owns 20 percent or more of the business; or(3) has sole charge of an independent or branch establishment.Minn. R. agency 151, ch. 5200, pt. 5200.0190
Statutory Authority: MS s 177.28