Minn. R. agency 151, ch. 1350, CONSUMER COMPLAINTS, pt. 1350.5200
The manufacturer shall complete implementation of the plan for correction approved under part 1350.4500, subpart 5 on or before the deadline established in the plan as required by part 1350.5000, subpart 5. The deadline shall allow a reasonable amount of time to complete the plan, taking into account the seriousness of the problem, the number of manufactured homes involved, the immediacy of any risk, and the difficulty of completing the action. The seriousness and immediacy of any risk shall be given greater weight than other considerations. If a manufacturer is required to correct an imminent safety hazard or serious defect under part 1350.4700, the deadline shall be no later than 60 days after approval of the plan.
The manufacturer shall complete the implementation of any notifications and corrections being carried out under an order of the commissioner under part 1350.4800 on or before the deadline established in the order. In establishing each deadline, the commissioner shall allow a reasonable time to complete all notifications and corrections, taking into account the seriousness of the imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance; the number of manufactured homes involved; the location of the homes; and the extent of correction required. In no case shall the time allowed exceed the following limits: 30 days after the issuance of final determination of imminent safety hazard; and 60 days after the issuance of final determination of serious defect, defect, or noncompliance.
The commissioner shall grant an extension of the deadlines included in a plan or order if the manufacturer requests extension in writing and shows good cause for the extension and if the commissioner is satisfied that the extension is justified in the public interest. When the commissioner grants an extension, the commissioner shall notify the manufacturer and forward to the secretary a draft notice of the extension to be published in the Federal Register.
Minn. R. agency 151, ch. 1350, CONSUMER COMPLAINTS, pt. 1350.5200
Statutory Authority: MS s 327.33