Each operating room shall be provided with a separate evacuation system for the venting of waste anesthesia gas.
The system shall provide a gas venting intake of the head end of the operating table, and provide exhaust of collected gas directly to the outdoors.
If the air changes required in part 4675.2800 do not provide sufficient air for use by fume hoods and safety cabinets, additional air shall be provided.
Each laboratory hood shall have an independent exhaust with the fan installed at the discharge point of the system. Laboratory hoods for general use shall have a minimum average face velocity of 75 feet per minute. Hoods in which infectious or radioactive materials are processed shall have the following:
Duct systems serving hoods shall be constructed of corrosion-resistant material to meet the planned usage of the hood. Duct systems serving hoods in which radioactive materials and strong oxidizing agents (e.g. perchloric acid) are used shall be constructed of stainless steel for a minimum distance of ten feet from the hood and shall be equipped with washdown facilities.
The ventilation system for anesthesia storage rooms and for flammable liquids storage areas shall conform to the requirements of NFPA Standard No. 56A, 1973 edition and NFPA Standard No. 30, 1973 edition.
Minn. R. agency 144, ch. 4675, PATIENT TREATMENT AREAS, pt. 4675.2100
Statutory Authority: MS s 144.56